Chapter 11

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Brendon's just as great as Patrick remembers. He's still the same loud and energetic asshole from when they first met, but there's a sense of maturity to him that wasn't there before. Maybe it was because of Ryan, he was wearing a beige button up with a skinny black tie. Patrick thinks that they really are the most opposite people, but there's a reason why they say opposites attract.

"So how's tour?", Brendon asks.

"It's not like you've never been on tour. What happened to your band, I thought you guys got really popular?"

Brendon shrugs, picking up a fry.

"It was the start of senior year, we didn't get to do that much touring. It didn't last anyways, I don't really think it's my thing. Besides, I met Ryan and I definitely have a thing for college guys.", he says, nudging Ryan on the shoulder.

Ryan rolls his eyes but there's a light blush on his cheeks.

"So you're going to college here then?"

Brendon's smile gets wider.

"Actually...I was going to tell you when I found out but I guess it totally slipped my mind."


Brendon's biting his lip and he looks at Ryan, who's also sporting a bright smile.

"Brendon, what?", Patrick asks again, this time with more conviction in his words.

"Well, there's this great music and writing program in Chicago, not too far from where you and Pete live and it's kinda the reason I quit the band. The schools impossible to get into but-"

"You're kidding right. Is this going where I think it's going?", Patrick asks, his heart pounding.

"I've really missed Chicago, and Ryan's never been outside of Vegas.", Brendon says.

"It's been four years, this is fucking amazing.", Patrick says, feeling like he was going to cry from happiness.

He's really missed Brendon.

"Yeah, but with you guys on tour I'm sure we'll never get to see you anyways."

Patrick laughs, "We're not going anywhere. We're just some shitty punk band from the suburbs of Chicago. People are going to forget about Fall Out Boy before our second album comes out."

"You'll get there.", Brendon says.

And somehow, Patrick believes him.


He sings better than he has in the past week. It's not as great as their first show but at least Patrick has a smile on his face- a small one but it's there- and he says more than a few words to the crowd. He also stays around to help clean up, making up for the fact that he wasn't there earlier to help. Pete wasn't going to make him anyways, but it's nice to see him talking to the other techs and band members.

"You're so fucking in love with that boy.", Ryan says to Pete when they're alone.

Pete's delicately rapping his amp cord around his hands, trying to seem disinterested in the conversation.

"Well he is my boyfriend."

"Well yes, but you look at him like he's the only thing that's keeping you alive."

Pete's always hated the idea of needing someone. He swore to himself when his Mom left that he'd never depend on someone, never commit to anyone. And he still hates the idea of needing someone so much you feel like you'll die without them...but if it's Patrick, if he's the one that Pete's suppose to spend the rest of his life with, he really doesn't mind all that much. He doesn't care if his heart gets broken tomorrow as long as he has today with him.

He sighs, setting the cords down, "It's so cliche, but he's my everything."

Ryan chuckles, leaning against the small table, "I remember when your mom left and you said that you'd never let yourself fall in love with a girl. You've changed so much."

Pete let's out a short laugh, "Yeah, I let myself fall in love with a boy."

Ryan rolls his eyes, "Shut up, you know what I mean."

"What about Brendon? He broke up his band for you."

Ryan suddenly flushes red, "He was going to quit anyways. He hated touring."

"Yeah, because it was away from you. You're moving to Chicago for him. The Ryan I grew up with would've never done something this reckless. ", Pete says, leaning against the table now too, facing Ryan.

"Ok, so we both fell in love even though we swore we never would, what are you going to do about it?"

Pete hears the distinct laughter of Patrick coming from around the corner, he thinks he hears Andy's voice too.

"Why are you smiling like that?", Ryan asks, a small smiling playing on his lips too.

"It's just...I haven't heard Patrick laugh in a while, it's comforting."

Ryan's face softens. Pete has told him a lot about what happened to Patrick, and even though he doesn't know him all that much, he understands why Pete would find comfort in Patrick's laughter, he's sure it doesn't come around that often.

"It sucks that we have to leave so soon.", Pete says, putting away the last things.

Ryan nods in agreement, "But by the time you guys play Chicago on your last date, we'll be there too."

Pete suddenly lights up, remembering the fact that he'll finally be able to see his best friend more. They haven't lived in the same same city for years, he doesn't understand how they're still best friends but he guesses seasons change, but people don't.

"Oh, hey guys. We were just looking for you.", Andy says when him and Patrick walk into the room.

"We're ready to go.", Patrick says, staring at his feet.

He feels bad about having to tell Pete that he has to leave Ryan, especially since he gave him the day to spend with Brendon. He was sure that Pete would be really upset and annoyed at him for slacking off, but to his surprise, Pete walks over and wraps his arm around his waist, kissing him on the head.

"Ok, we probably should leave, it's almost two.", Pete says, slipping his hands into Patrick's.

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