03. drunk walk home

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gracie's pov

Of course, here she was again, slightly hungover on Jamie's couch as she usually was after a party. She didn't even want to go, it was some afterparty for some brand she'd never even heard of. And she'd tried like she always did to hold on to her dignity and tell Diana that she wasn't going, but as usual, she convinced her. The only difference though was that she met a girl last night. She remembered her perfectly, the deepness of her skin, the curve of her hips, the jut of her chin. Oh god, why the fuck does she remember that? Oddly enough, she remembers kissing her, which was new for her. She'd dated around a little bit, but she never went around just kissing random people. Gracie tried to look inward and find whatever the hell possessed her to do that. It couldn't have been because she was drunk. After all, she'd only had like two drinks last night and the bartender was shitty, so they couldn't have been very strong. Well, whatever it was that made her do it, she was kind of happy that it did. Though that girl wasn't a very good kisser, she remembers the conversation they had outside on the porch. It was so strange, maybe it was because they were both a little tipsy, but it just felt like they'd already known each other. Gracie felt like she was talking to a friend, not some random girl she'd brought to the dance floor. Oh, the dancing. She'd only just remembered she did that. Seriously, why the fuck did she do that? 

As she lay there in thought, she heard creaky footsteps coming from the stairs. She peeked over the back of the couch to see who it was. It was Clover, looking like she'd been from hell and back twice. 

"Good Morning sleepyhead" Gracie muttered to her, as she walked closer. 

"Morning" Clover replied, plopping down next to her on the couch and snuggling next to her legs. 

"I'm so fucking dead, I feel like my brain was thrown in a blender"

"Looks like somebody's a bit hungover?" Gracie teased, reaching a hand down to stoke her hair. 

"A bit? I probably have a blood alcohol level of like .08"

"I mean that's probably less than Kira's"

"Yeah, I knew it was a mistake letting the newly turned 21 year old loose at a party" Clover laughed grimly. 

"I didn't expect it to be that kinda night, especially since we were in Manhattan"

"Same, I can't believe we let Diana talk us into that"

"She only made us go so she could see Nelle"

"I honestly can't believe they're still fooling around, they've been doing this for like three years and neither of them have figured it out yet"

"They will eventually... I hope"

"Speaking of Diana, where is she?"

"Upstairs in Kira's bed" Clover mumbled into Gracie's blanket covered leg.

Gracie knitted her eyebrows together in confusion. "Where's Kira?"

"In bed with Jamie, watching cartoons"

"Ah" Gracie decided to end it there on the questions considering she already knew that meant she shouldn't push. Of course she didn't know for sure, but she knew there was something going on with Kira, Jamie and Clover that they all knew about but never spoke about. 

MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE, GRACIE ABRAMSWhere stories live. Discover now