014. kiss and make up

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imessage  + irl!

Macy dragged Gracie to their shared room as soon as Nelle was out of sight. She had already made up her mind about what she was going to do to get Diana and Nelle back in good graces, but she figured she'd need help. Once they were in she shut the door as slowly and quietly as she could.

"Okay, Diana is probably going to be here soon and I think we need to get them together to talk it out. So maybe we should come up with a plan" Macy whispered. Gracie rolled her eyes and raised her brows skeptically. She didn't know how to say it, but there was absolutely no way she was getting involved in any of this. She was fully content with sitting back and letting them work it out on their own. They were adults, they didn't need to parent trap them and magically make them love each other. If they didn't want to be together they wouldn't be. Sure, Gracie had always wished that the two of them would finally grow a pair and get together already, but she meddled too many times in Diana's love life to know not to get involved. Even more than that, Diana didn't like anybody knowing about her drama and she damn sure didn't want Macy telling her what to do. 

"Babe, this isn't middle school, we're not going to lock them in a room together and force them to talk. They'll figure it out on their own"

"No they won't, how do you think they got into this situation in the first place? I love her but Nelle has the emotional intelligence of a middle schooler. And besides, it's not like I'm going to try and tell them they need to be together or whatever. I just want them to at least talk it out so they can still be friends"

"Look, I know you want to help them, but I know Diana. She's going to see that shit from a mile away"

"Okay even if she does, I don't care. I'm sure you know what happens when they get into fights for too long. It never ends well for anybody and you know it doesn't matter because she's on her way here"

"She's on her way? And she knows Nelle is here?"

"May have forgotten that part... but it's fine! now come on" Macy grinned, dragging her by the arm back out of their bedroom. 

"Fucking hell" Gracie groaned under her breath, thankfully not loud enough for Macy to hear her. They seemed to walk out just in time for the doorbell to ring. Before either of them got the chance to answer it Nelle shot up and got there first. The second she opened the door her face dropped. She shot Macy the most bone-chilling stare she'd ever seen. If she wasn't scared of Nelle before she might be now. This wasn't quite the grand entrance she'd hoped for but here they were and she couldn't exactly stop it now.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here visiting my friends, but I don't understand what your business here could be" Nelle deadpanned, rolling her eyes so far back that Macy worried they'd stay there. Oh, she messed up. She messed up badly. In her defense she technically had no idea both of them would be staying here, it all just kind of happened before her eyes. How both of them knew the address and knew about the spare bedroom? Still a mystery to her. 

"What are you trying to say? They're my friends too"

"I'm not trying to say anything to you actually"

"Yeah cause you wanna run away like you always do"

"I am not running away! I just can't stand you!"

"You're such a fucking coward! You're just too afraid to have a simple conversation!"

MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE, GRACIE ABRAMSWhere stories live. Discover now