Messaging Culprit

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Maybelle sat casually sliding her fingers across the screen as Delia entered the room. "Heh, I guess the game is pretty fun. Well it is late so I have to go. See you at school!" Maybelle said as if she hadn't found out anything.

Later on at home, Maybelle looked again through Layla's diary, trying to find anything to do with Delia. That is when she read this page:

"Dear diary, I don't get it. Now my sister's friends are bullying me too. Her best friend even, but I can't say anything to Maybelle. I want her to keep her friends . I know that Delia shouldn't have texted through my number but I won't rat her out. "

Maybelle sat in curiosity and confusion. When was this? Delia did this? Who else was involved? Why?

Then she had a flashback. A week before her sister's suicide, Delia had been at their house. Delia had been playing on a phone, that she claimed was hers, but the case was one she was borrowing. "Coincidentally ", it was the same case as her sister's. Was Delia texting through Layla's phone that day?

Maybelle tiptoed into her sister's room and grabbed the phone that was laying on the nightstand, untouched. "Hmmmm... The date from three weeks is Febuary 26, so three weeks ago was... Febuary 5." She quickly searched for any messages from that date. Then she found some. One was sent to Layla's best friend:

"I hate you. Look I tried to be your friend but you are so annoying. Sure you are one of the few people who didn't hate me, but let's face it, you are nothing. Hate me if you want, I don't give a crap. "

Maybelle couldn't believe her eyes. She knew her sister hadn't done this. So did Delia do this?

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