Chapter 10: Satisfying Destiny

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Maybelle took the items she had collected from the kitchen and brung them into the room where Delia remained strapped to the chair. "How do you like ny game?" Maybelle said enthusiasticly yet creepily. She watched Delia struggle to escape and hopelessly fail. "My sister likes the game. "Maybelle smiled.

She opened the tub of ice cream and got a firm scoop. It was vanilla, Layla's favorite. She placed the ice cream on Delia's left arm, then rubbed it across her skin. She proceeded to grab the fork and stab the cold creamy surface of the victim's arm. She did the same to the right arm. Maybelle then stabbed Delia's feet several times and watched blood drizzle down her toes then drip onto the ground.

Maybelle went back downstairs and searched through the cabinets until she found a bag of nestle chocolate chips. She poured some in a jar and added a slight amount of vegtable oil. Maybelle slipped it in the microwave and waited for it to get burning hot. She put on the mitts and took it out listening to it sizzle. Then she returned to Delia's room.

She set the glass down, then layed the chair Delia was strapped to on the ground. She grabbed the burning melted chocolate and tipped it down. The liquid hit the victim's face as she screamed in pain. As Maybelle left it there to burn, she traded the glass for the scissors. She snatched Delia's leg and peirced the skin with her scissors. She cut a strip, then placed it on Delia's dresser. She reapeated this act with the remaining leg and both of the victim's arms.

Her sister would surely be pleased. Maybelle had gotten the revenge Layla needed. Dean was dead, and Delia was dead, for she had lost all her blood due to the cuts on her body. Maybelle had been sucessful, but only needed to properly set Delia's body.

She grabbed the box of candy in the closet and unwrapped every single piece. She placed the candy in a drawer, then grabbed the scissors once again. She grabbed a strip of skin, and cut it into small squares. She took each square and wrapped in a candy wrapper, then placed it in the box. Maybelle cut each strip, until she had 60 wrappers containing the victim's skin. She placed the box of undelightful candy on the bed. She untied Delia and tossed the heavy body onto the bed next to the candy. She grabbed a paint brush out of the can of art supplies on Delia's dresser. Maybelle dipped into the victim's open stomach and stroked the wall. The first letter was "H". She eventually spelled out "HUNGRY? " with the blood of the victim on the wall obove the dead body. Then she grabbed the ice cream again and put it all over the body.

Maybelle was the best sister in the world. She took off her gloves then went into the bathroom to throw them away. She went into Delia's room and screamed "Oh my goodness!What in the world! "Delia's mother came rushing in and when she saw her daughter missing her eyeballs and wounded with ice cream covering the whole thing, she screamed in horror. "Mam, I swear I don't know what happened. I was in the restroom, then when I came in i saw Delia like this.Im so scared." Maybelle played along as if she wasn't the one who had actually done this. Delia's mother dialled the police and Maybelle sat continuing to act clueless and worried. She had sucessfully murdered her sister's bullies, or so she thought. She didn't know all the details, but as far as her concern, she was killing the right people. But she killed with too little research, unfortunately.

Maybelle Gone BadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora