Chapter 9: Gone Bad

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Maybelle had just finished off her first planned victim, but wasn't satisfied. She had to go fetch the most important kill.

She carried her gloves and garbage bags, and headed toward Delia's house. All she had to do was get ordinary objects from around Delia's house for the project. Since Delia's mother knew nothing about this project, it would be rather easy. However, Delia knew nothing about this project.

She knocked on the door of the house, and was once again greeted by Delia's mother. "Hello, sweetheart. What are the bags and gloves for? " she questioned. "Oh, I guess Delia hasn't told you about the science project we are working on. I brought gloves so we wouldn't get anything dangerous on our hands, and garbage bags so we could clean up. "Maybelle replied innocently.

"Well we have garbage bags here though,"Delia's mother reasoned.

"Yes, but we need heavy duty so I brought these. "

She headed off upstairs and placed the bags and gloves in the bathroom under the sink where they wouldn't be noticed. She went into Delia's mother's office where she grabbed scissors, ductape and a stapler.Then Maybelle entered Delia's room.

"Hey, Girl"Delia said clueless that she was about to lose her life. "Hey, do you wanna play charades? " Maybelle asked. "Sure, I'm up for it. "

"Ok, well we're gonna play my version. You can't talk and you can't move anything but your head. "

"That sounds hard but okay. " Delia said as Maybelle grabbed a rope and tied her to a chair, then taped her mouth shut with the ductape. Delia had no idea she was helping Maybelle into her harsh plans.

"We don't want your mother coming in and ruining our game,"Maybelle pointed out as she locked the door.

"Actually, why don't we play a different game? A game called revenge. " Maybelle said creepily and walked toward Delia.

She grabbed the stapler lying where she had put when she entered the room. Maybelle gently grabbed Delia's eyelid and stapled it to the skin under her eyebrow. Delia had tears coming out of her eyes as she tried to cry for help, but no one could hear since the ductape covered her mouth. Maybelle repeated this process with the other eye. She watched Delia skwirm and said slickly, "This is for my sister."

Maybelle reached for the scissors and her victim was now crying loudly and was wiggling furiously. She opened the scissors and pointed the sharp end towards Delia's pupil. She touched the eye with the scissors, and drew an X in the center. The eye oozed and started forming into what looked like a rasin. She placed the scissors on the table next to her and once again reached for the stapler. Delia had only one eye left, and she fought with all her strength. She could not escape, however, for the ropes were strong unallowing her to break free. Maybelle continued her work, and stapled in Delia's pupil. This eye reacted the same as the other, after multiple staples. Delia wouldn't know what was happening to her anymore since her eyeballs had been cut open.

Maybelle knew this was awful, but she also knew her sister wasn't satisfied. She grabbed the gooey scissors and wiped them on the beadspread.She rolled up Delia's shirt slightly, revealing her small tummy. Aiming for the victim'stomach, she cut into the tan skin forming a three sided figure in the shape of a square, leaving the fourth side uncut. She flipped up the skin, revealing several organs. She grabbed a nearby caprisun, and squirted juice directly onto Delia's kidney. The liquid spreaded as Delia winced in pain. Maybelle ran into the kitchen grabbing a fork, an ice cream gallon, and an ice cream scoop. "How is the project going? "Delia's mother asked as she saw Maybelle in the kitchen.

"The project is going great. Delia and I have done so many cool expiriments, "Maybelle replied, with a different meaning than Delia's mother thought. Yet, Maybelle was just getting started with her sister's revenge on Delia.

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