Chapter 12: Do You Love Me Mommy?

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Maybelle rather be dead than go to jail, or even be alive and not in jail. She had realized that it was all her mother's fault. Her mother should've put away Layla's things, and then Maybelle wouldn't have read the diary and jumped to a conclusion. Not only that, but did her mother even seem to love Layla? Did her mother even love her, was the biggest question now.

Maybelle had always loved and respected her mother, but she never knew if her mother did the same? Maybelle was going to die or be put in jail, so why should she take the risk of her mother getting away with acting like she loved her daughters? Maybelle had yet another kill to fetch.

Her mother had been working late, so she would arrive in a tired mood. After her mother lay snoring on the bed, that would be the perfect time to strike. Maybelle would surely be busy tonight.

Then the time came. It was dark outside, and the clock handle was slightly past twelve. Her mother was in the bed, unaware that her own daughter had quite elaborate plans to murder her.

Maybelle grabbed a sharp, pointy knife from the kitchen drawer. She crept into her mothers bedroom as quiet as a mouse, and gently layed the knife on the nightstand. She walked through her garage and grabbed ropes and sand pails. Maybelle had also snatched a cloth from the hall closet.

She had everything arranged on the nightstand, and she thought deeply about all that had happened in such a short amount of time. Maybelle had killed her best friends after her sister committed suicide, and she was about to kill her mother as well as herself. And she wanted just that.

She grabbed the rope, and began tightening her mother to the bed. Her mother was a heavy sleeper, and didn't wake but moved slightly. Maybelle tied the cloth around her mothers face, and her mom's eyes opened halfway. Her mother couldn't scream or move, so it wouldn't affect the plans if she was awake. Maybelle leaned over her mother and whispered "Do you love me Mommy? ".Her mother twisted and struggled to escape, but it was no use. "Well if you die, it doesn't matter if you love me right? "Maybelle smiled a wicked smile. She grabbed the knife and a pail, and sat near the bottom edge of the bed. Slitting her mother's left foot steadily, she placed the pail underneath the foot. The blood swiveled in, and Maybelle went to the other foot. She proceeded to sliced several spots of the body, until her bucket was half filled with the thick red substance. She placed the pail down, but kept the knife in her hand. Maybelle looked into her Mother's teary eyes and angrily yet calmly whispered " You never loved me mom. Or Layla. Say goodbye to your life and your daughter who is going to kill herself once she is finished with you. " Her mom barely moved, for she was slowly dieing and was hardley conscious. Maybelle grabbed the knife and swung. Within a split second, her mother was gone.

She grasped the hair of her mother's decapitated head. She held the pail in the other hand, and she slipped out her back door. Maybelle attached the head to wire, and hung it on the branch of a short tree. She stuck her hand into the bucket of blood, and spread it along her bare arms. She covered herself in the substance, every single thread of her clothes and along her pale skin. Maybelle ran back into her house, leaving red footprints behind. In her mom's room where the body lay, she grabbed the remaining rope. Outside she swung it over the branch, ant tied a knot. She took a bathroom stool, and stood on top of it near the rope. Maybelle tightened the rope around her neck, slid the stool away, and waited. She waited to die from suffocation.

Her plans had been done, and so was she. She loved the idea of death, and knew it was time to face her own.Maybelle had gone bad, but now she had gone, well literally, gone.

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