8 ~ Corrupt

37 2 49

Small twinkling lights gazed down over the forest, burning bright from the decay of their fuel. Though they were far, they watched over the Earth, guiding travellers and giving people hope when they needed it most.

When a star dies, it can have many outcomes; whether we like the outcome is our choice. Some may follow what others say, scared to think differently, but in the end it is up to us.

One outcome may be that it becomes a new type of star, a white dwarf perhaps. However, if a great mass of chaos is at will, something much bigger will happen. Something more dangerous. 

A Supernova.


Dream POV


Thuds to the dehydrated ground began to slow beneath my feet. I sighed, looking up at the many leaves blowing in the wind that hid the stars from time to time, swaying in a dance. A natural crisp rustling surrounded me, much different to the depth of quiet in the house.

I couldn't keep this up forever. I was still human after all. It felt as though I'd run far enough, though I could keep going if I wanted to. But what was the point if it was all aimless?

The run had been bliss. It was like the feeling you get on an unbearable hot day. Finally diving into the cool water of a pool and not afraid to go under. Or it was like being alone for the whole day. Waiting for your close ones to arrive, and when you're about to give up and leave, there they are.

This was relief.

Halting, a thought interrupted me.

I left everyone... for fresh air?

That was unlike me. They should be fine, but I had upped and ran. No note or anything.

But the voices...

I'd been desperate. It was too late now. I was already out and had no record for time whatsoever except the sky, which was currently an endless black void splattered with white.

Rushing water filled my sound scape, capturing the attention of my dry throat. A dark river was running through the forest, coming from the mountains in the distance and most likely going towards the ocean. Crouching down to dip my hand in the cool water, I felt it slip through my fingers in never-ending constant motion, subtly nipping at my skin and its scratches with its heaven-like chill.

Looking in the depths, my eyes widened. My mouth opened slightly, heart quickening and trying to keep my breaths under control. I was looking back at myself, and yet it wasn't me: scars had appeared on my face where low tree branches caught me as I ran; the veins on my neck had gone violet, and my eyes were glowing. Literally. Like a cat, my eyes were reflecting the little light surrounding me and appearing as dim luminous green lanterns. The scars I could deal with, but my veins' new look seemed to be continuing to spread across my body as persistent as the river itself. Even the scars looked as though they would eventually heal as the new me, tiny orchid streaks clinging to the edges of scarlet. As of the moment it wasn't too much, but if they were to keep growing I would hardly recognise myself. 

I splashed my parched skin, scars pricking at the contact. I doused my thoughts, praying everything would wash away, but that would never work.

Well, that confirmed one of my suspicions. Whatever that dream was, it had been a sign. This was inevitable.

My shirt was damp from wetting my face, clinging to my chest as I drew in my breath. It reminded me again of how I'd just left, not even bothering with shoes. My feet had begun to ache, so I dipped them in the river in an attempt to rid them of dirt. I sat there in thought for a bit with my eyes closed, the water stinging fresh cuts as it tried to break past.

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