I'm back again!

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Hey guys! *nervous smile because I know I have been gone a while*. I wanna say I am so sorry that I haven't been able to post, sch🤬🤬l is a bitch. I have loved reading all your comments, they are all amazing and I can't thank you all enough for all the support! You guys rock and I don't know what I would do without you all.

I will be posting soon but right now I'm just trying to get 8 hours of sleep, I have had a massive term and I just need a few days worth of sleep before I dive back into writing but I will post some time in the next week!

Please stay safe everyone and try to be kind to those around you! Don't forget to eat something and drink some water! And if you are reading this at 3am Go. To. Bed. Now!

I love you all kittens and I hope you stay safe! Enjoy reading and I shall be back soon!

Word count:167

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