Hi everyone

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Hey hi hello kittens, I'm 2 months late and I am sorry to each and everyone of you. Truth be told I want sure if I was every gonna touch this fic again, my writers block revolving this fic is at an all time high and I just can't seem to write a chapter. As much as I adore this fic I'm not entirely happy with the way it has gone or I decided that I was going to ask you guys what I should do.

Now a lot of you may not care but for the special few that do I thank you so much, this is your time to choose how this fic goes and what happens next. If you all could vote by commenting next to the vote you chose that would be great(if you are writing any comments about anything in the space of the voting I probably won't see and just think it is a vote so please be careful!) Now I can do one of 3 things:

1. Overhaul this fic, keeping the parts I like but rewriting the parts I'm not happy about. If you wanted to help You guys could flood the comments(preferably on this part so I can find them later on) about things you would like to see changed and ideas you guys have. This would be a rather long project(and arguably the biggest of the choices) but it would mean you would not only get a polished version of this fic, but more content, details and maybe an actual ending to this story.

2. I orphan/discontinue this fic and put it up to adoption. If one of you guys think that you wanna talk a crack at working on the story I have started and make it into your own I am more than happy for that as long as you give credit where credit is deserved(and if more then one of you want to adopt it I would be okay with that! There is enough content for lots of people to take the ball and run with it). This means that if someone doesn't adopt it this series is discontinued and no more updates.

3. I sit on this fic for a while and try and write another part, continuing the fic without editing past chapters. This would take a while and I can't promise the update soon but I will try.(if this is what you all want and have ideas either comment or hit me up in my dms!)

At the end of the day it is up to all of you. I'm happy doing whatever and I honestly don't mind, school and life have been kicking my ass lately so I'm more than happy to drop this fic but st the same time I also am more than happy to keep writing, I love writing and I adore the fact that even just one of you enjoy this fic. So it is up to you all, you have till March to make your vote and when that's all done well move from there.

Here is some space for ideas if you are willing to comment them! But if you don't wanna then that's all good! Remember no ideas is a bad idea, bad ideas only happen if you don't think the idea through after doing said idea.

One final thing I want to say thank you to each and every one of you. From the people who were reading this fic when it had ten views and stuck with me from then on out to the people who have recently found me and decided that my story is worth your time. I just want to say thank you all so so so much, you guys mean the world to me and I am so greatful that this fic has brought some people joy! Writing this fic has been an awesome experience and it has honestly helped me through a lot of the shit that has happened in my life. I wouldn't know what I would do if I wasn't here, so thank you all so much.

Now stay safe kittens! I shall hear from you soon and I can't wait for your votes. Remember to take a break and breathe if you need to because you are human, you are allowed to rest and slow down. Remember to drink some water, to try and eat something and if you can get some sleep. I know for some of you it may be hard but all I ask is that you try. Now everyone please take care, stay safe and remember you are always welcome to talk if you need to. This fic is a safe space and it will always be one! I love you kittens, stay safe and have a good day/night!

He saved me... ~Dabideku~ Up for adoption and abandonedWhere stories live. Discover now