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"This blood belongs to our beloved lord and lady, of course!"

H - huh?

What does he mean by that?

Lord ...

Lady ...

Tears started to well up, and then they fell. The droplets turning into a steady rainfall against her cheeks.

Papa ..

Mama ..

He- he can't be telling the truth!

He can't!

"You're a liar, Kizama! Stop messing around! This isn't funny!"

Y/n brought her hands close to her chest. Fear. Despair. Worry. Anguish.

All of her negative thoughts and feelings coming and crashing inside of her head and in her heart.

Why was this happening?

Why today?


Her cousin merely brought the blade of his sword up to his mouth. His tongue gliding against the metal as he tasted the blood.

His twisted smirk becoming too disgusting to look at.

She felt sick to her stomach.

"Don't look at me like that, y/n. This was bound to happen. You and I both know it."

He took a step forward as both Ume and Chime got in front of her. The both of them were as deathly afraid of the man before them just as much as y/n.

But they had a job to do.

And that was to protect her!

"How cute. You both think you can actually fight me."

He was quick. Faster than light it seemed as he struck at them both in one swift movement. Ume and Chime being sent flying into the trees. Their backs hitting hard against the wood as y/n could hear multiple snaps and cracks.

She hoped that that wasn't the sound of bones breaking.

Finally turning to y/n, Kizama tightened his grip on his sword. She took a step back towards the edge of the cliff.

"Y/n .. I really don't want to kill you ..," many Kurosaki clan members started to surround them both as he said that. But .. they looked like they were aiding Kizama instead of coming to help her.

A coup d'etat. Chikage taught her what the words meant when they were in the library at one time.

She was surprised that she remembered it.

She took another step back. Her heel just barely hanging over the edge.

Should she jump?

She looked at Kizama's blood-soaked blade.

The blood of her parents.

"I really really don't want to kill you, but you're contracted to marry that Kazama brat and then the clan will never be mine, so you have to die. Understand? Besides, the rest of the clan that supported you and your parents are all dead. That includes that bastard Mikazuki too. You're all alone, y/n. All alone. So come here, and I promise to make your death quick. And then you can see your parents again."

She closed her eyes.

Live, y/n.

And she fell backwards.


It was too late. Her body was rushing down the cliff side as the waterfall easily shrouded her body.

"Damn it!"

She couldn't hear anything else as she felt her head and body crash into the rocks. Her vision being clouded in darkness as her sadness, tears, and silent angony washed into the river.

And in the distance, the Kurosaki clan wilted and turned to ash.

Only to be rebuilt anew with Kizama as the new clan leader.

act one - the clan of flowers - end.

act two will begin in the next chapter.

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