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"Y/n?! Y/n! Is that you?!"

That day, after another week passed, Chizuru finally found it safe enough for Y/n to walk around a bit in hopes for her to remember something. Her plan from the night before finally setting in motion.

What she didn't count on was for someone to actually run up to them and hug the girl tightly.

"H- hey," Chizuru yelled, "let her go!"

Y/n, all the while, was stuck in place. Her eyes widening as her hands shook. Her arms slowly raising to grab onto the slightly tattered and bloody clothing of the person.

"I thought I would never find you," he said shakingly. His arms tightening around her.

And something within her mind clicked as the tears finally started to fall, "Mmm- Mika- Mikazuki," she finally stuttered out. She turned into a blubbering mess as she cried onto his shoulder.

Chizuru, noticing the change within her friend, quickly stopped trying to pull the guy off. Her eyes watching the scene before her.

Mikazuki? Is that his name?

She didn't have time to think on the matter, however, as the three of them were now causing a scene in the middle of the street. Blushing lightly at the stares, Chizuru grabbed them both, "come on! Let's just continue this back at home-"

act two - memory and safety - end

act three will begin in the next chapter

flower days || k. chikageحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن