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act two - memory and safety

"Chizuru! Come quick!"

"Yes father?!"

Chizuru's father sounded panicked, scared even. It set her heart in an instant anxious mess as she had rushed outside.

He was near the river bend of their home. He was crouched, hovering over something. She hurried over to his side.

Did he hurt himself?

As she got closer, she saw that that was not the case and instead .. she saw a girl her huddled into a small bundle. There was blood dripping down her head and her clothes were soaked all the way through.

"She was drifting along the river when I saw her. And her blood ...," her father's voice drifted off a bit as he immediately recognized it. This girl was an oni. Just like them.

He had to help her.

"Let's get her inside, Chizuru."

"O-of course, father!"


Two weeks. It had been two weeks until the unknown girl finally woke up.

Chizuru was by her bedside when she had awoken. And much to her surprise...

"Fa- father!"

There was a loud crash in the room, and her father, Koudou, had rushed into the room but only to be greeted with the sight of a rather large kitsune oni backed up into the far corner of the room. Her fangs barred.

"Where am I?! Who are you?!"

Koudou held up his hands in surrender. His feet slowly inching their way towards the kitsune as Chizuru backed up to the door. Her breath catching in her throat.

"My name is Koudou Yukimura, and Chizuru, is an oni just like you. I had adopted her and watched over her. I can help you too."

The kitsune oni paused for a moment as if she was debating on whether to run for it or not, but she eventually decided to revert back to her human form much to Koudou's relief. Though, his soft eyed smile made the girl a bit fidgety.

"Can you tell us your name?"

"It's ..."

The girl had trouble remembering. Her hand gently raising in hopes to making her head stop hurting.

"It's ..."

She closed her eyes in deep thought. Her name .. what was it?


y/n kurosaki.

"Y/n ... Kurosaki ... I think."

She mumbled her words as her eyes became downcast. Koudou had bravely walked over to her by this point. A gentle hand resting on her shoulder.

"Try not to strain yourself, alright? You seemed to have hit your head and gained a massive injury and memory loss. So for now, remembering things can be slow a process."

Y/n had looked to the kind man and then at Chizuru.

She wanted to remember.

Because she felt like she was missing something important.

But for now ..

Maybe she could stay here. If only for a little while.

I mean,

It wasn't like she knew any other place she could go.

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