Chapter 5

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"I WANNA STAY UP ALL NIGHT AND JUMP AROUND UNTIL WE SEE THE SUN!" Holly, Charlotte, Samara and I all scream as we drive to the lounge the afterparty will take place at.

I've never been to an afterparty before, and neither has any of my friends. I've always wondered what it was like. I just pictured it as a, well, party. With drinks, and talk, and music. Typical party stuff. Except the fact the host of the party happens to be famous.

We pull up to the lounge and walk in, trying to look as fabulous as you can look after coming from a concert. The limo for the boys won't be here for another 15 minutes, but it's best for us to get here a bit early so we can claim seats and such.

We show our passes to the guard, along with our birth certificates claiming we are all 18 (thank god all our birthdays were before June). We then walk in, claiming the booth closest to the stage area. I'm guessing they may be putting on a little show for us. I know that Samara's older sister went to an afterparty a few months ago for Hedley. They did some performing, and she described it as the best time of her life.

We sit down, and immediately, Samara concludes something.

"Ok, who's gonna be our designated driver?" she asks.

All the girls look at me. They know I'm not a big fan of drinking.

"I guess I can be, but there's no promises. I might have a couple martini's, but I don't think I'll get drunk or anything." I smile as a waiter walks by.

"Can I get you girls anything to start off with?" he asks politely.

"Um, yes. I'll have a red wine." Charlotte exclaims fast.

"Just get me a shot of anything." Samara smiles. She obviously thinks he's cute. She twirls her hair flatteringly.

"Uh, what's your special for tonight?" Holly asks. She hasn't had been to a bar before, neither have I.

"Our special is the Jack Williams Whisky. Do you want a shot?" he says to her.

"Sure." Holly says. She's obviously never had it.

The waiter looks at me. I just suddenly noticed why Samara must like him. His eyes are hazel, with some sort of goldish sparkle to them.

"Nothing for the moment. Maybe a bit later." I sigh.

"Designated driver?" he asks with a sheepish smile.

I nod, trying to force a smile as well. He leaves, and Samara gives out a dreamy sigh.

"You may have Niall, Abby, but I'm going to ask this guy for his number." Samara smiles. "If love at first sight worked for you, it's gonna have to work for me."

I laugh, then a door opens, and in pops Sara. I wave to get her attention, then move into the corner section of the booth. Sara sits down happily.

"Abby!" she smiles, giving me a hug. "I don't think you introduced me to your friends yet."

"Oh ya. Sara, this is Charlotte, Samara and Holly. Holly, Samara and Charlotte, this is Sara." I say in a greeting tone.

They all say hi, smiling. The girls then get their drinks. Sara says no to a drink, noticing that i have none, feeling bad for me that I'm 'it' for tonight. Sara then starts to fangirl over how amazing, or should I say 'Amazayn' the concert was. All of us, of course, continue to go on as well, not noticing how crowded the room was when we are all silenced. The boys then all walk in, and a bunch of fans start to scream. The music is turned up, and everyone gets up an starts to dance. A bunch of waiters and waitresses start to walk around, handing out shots as we all dance. I finally make my way to Niall.

Summer Love *A One Direction Fanfic*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora