Chapter 13

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A/N: well that was shocking xD I didn't expect 300 reads to come so quickly. How's about next chapter once we hit... Lets say 400? Sound good? Great!

"Yes." I say, getting out of the complete shock I was in. "But of course I would have to check with my family first."

"Of course." Niall says understandingly.

So many thoughts float into my head at the moment. Is this a good idea? Will my friends be jealous? What will everyone say?

I shake off those thoughts, along with being interrupted by my phone. I pick it, excusing myself.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Abby." Is all I hear.

Static fills the other end. The voice sounded like Dane, but I can't be sure.

"Hello?" I almost yell.

"Watch... Coming... Revenge... You..." Is all I hear under the static.

A beeping noise fills the other end, as if the line disconnected. I stare at my phone, confused. Private caller. Well, that helps out, note the sarcasm.

I am suddenly alarmed from my phone ringing again. Only this time it says a name. Mom. I pick up the phone, putting it to my ear.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Abby, I would like you to come home now." My mom says straightforward.

I sigh softly.

"Ok mom." I say. "I'll see you at home then. Bye." I say quickly, then end it.

"Who just phoned?" Niall asks.

"That was my mom, and the time before that... I honestly want to say my ex, but I can't be too sure. And my mom wants me home now. It is getting rather late. Thank you so much for having me over." I say.

I kiss Niall on the cheek, then give Louis a quick hug. I grab my purse and walk out of the door, not wanting to leave.


"Thank you so much mom!" I say after my mom let me go earlier. "I will phone to reorganize the flight and everything! Promise!"

"Be safe and careful out there." My mom tells me. "I don't want you to get your heart hurt by a celebrity."

"Don't worry mom. Knowing Niall, he will let me down gently at the most! And besides, who said anything about break ups?" I ask.

"Honey, remember Dane?" My mom points out. "Remember how heartbroken you were?"

"He wants me back. Mom, there's something I need to tell you." I say nervously.

"What is it?"

"Well, I got this anonymous phone call today. And personally, it kind of shocked me. It sounded a lot like Dane. And I'm not sure what to do. He said something about revenge. It must be for me turning him down 10 days ago. What do I do?"

"Well, Dane is a nice boy from what I hear. What would he do?"

"Mom, he can be really tough. He beat up some jocks once because they yelled at me for walking on the field to grab my paper that flew out of my hands. The JOCKS."

"Well, what's the worst he could do to you? Your a girl he likes."

What COULD he do? Hurt Niall, screw up my relationship, play with my emotions, rape me...

Ok, scratch that last one. No way in hell would he ever do THAT.

"Mom, I'm going upstairs." I sigh, trying to get off this topic. "I'm tired."

Summer Love *A One Direction Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now