Chapter 11

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A/N; YAY 200 READS ^.^ I'm gonna update to chapter 12 when the book reaches 250. Okay? Okay ☺

Chapter 11: Missed.

*Niall's P.O.V:*

I couldn't believe it. That girl just... Just punched Abby. And now she's laying on the floor unconscious. I go on my knees, my eyes filled with utter rage.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" Louis screams in his average voice. "SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH YOU."

"Pfft, as if I care." The girl who punched Abby says.

Louis and Harry then start to yell and swear at the girls. They yell and swear back. I throw some swears in, and so does Zayn. Even Liam yells a bit. I pick up Abby, then run to the nearest store. I run to the till and stare straight at the elderly woman selling soaps.

"We need security and an ambulance. Fast." I say. "There's a fight and an unconscious girl." I say, getting the woman's gaze on Abby.

The woman picks up a phone in a hurry. She phones security first, then 911. The security guards are dealing with those girls and the lads outside. About 3 minutes later, I could hear sirens. I hold Abby tighter. I'll admit that I am a bit nervous. Two people run through the doors with a stretcher. I somewhat run over to the people, placing Abby on the stretcher.

"What happened?" One of the people ask me.

"One of those girls punched her unconscious." I say.

If I could see behind her hair, she would probably have a bruise on the side of her head. I really hope she's ok. I stroke her hair once before they start to roll her away on the stretcher. I walk after them, not wanting to leave her side. This has never happened to me with any fans. I mean, yes girls can get out of control. But I have never seen a girl punch another girl unconscious. And it's her best friends funeral in 15 minutes. She has to miss it.

This isn't happening. It can't be. I need to just wake up and be in my hotel room. I need to. Abby can't be hurt. She can't be missing something so important to her because she was punched in the head. If I ever see that girl again, she will be the one in the hospital. I won't let Abby get hurt again. I was really ready to tackle that girl. Then get Louis to bitch slap her. Just because she needed it. And I mean, she REALLY needed it.

But it's too late. I didn't do anything back, and I feel weak. Like I really don't deserve a girlfriend because I can't protect her. Like I did right there. And it hurts. I feel like the most stupid boy ever now.

They lift her into the ambulance. They are just about to close the doors when I stop them.

"Let me in." I say.

"This isn't the time-" one man starts.

"Do you know who I am?" I snap. I felt like such a.... Celebrity right there.

The two men look at me for a second, then realize who I am. They let me in. I sit down in the spare chair they always have in there for people who sit with the injured people. I look at Abby. Her eyes are closed. There's a tear still left on her cheek from when the punch hit. I wipe the tear off with my thumb. I put my head in her hair near her ear.

"I'm sorry." I whisper. "I'm so sorry. It's my fault. I should've done something. Please forgive me."

I sit up, wiping a tear out of my eye. I look at her once more, and watch her eyes slowly open. And my heart skips a beat. Her eyes are opening.

She's awake.

*Abby's P.O.V:*

My eyes open in a loud place. It's filled with sirens. It's a small white room with a bunch of medical equipment. My head hurts so much. Where am I?

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