Chapter 7

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I wake up to the buzzing of my alarm. Now usually I'd wake up going "Urg. I have to get up." but today, I literally jumped out of my bed, full of complete excitement. I choose out my most cutest outfit: a white and green dress with small black heels. The only makeup I put on is a bit of foundation, some soft green eyeshadow and lipgloss. I don't want to overdo it, I know he likes natural looking girls. I eagerly look at my phone and notice its only 10:00. Maybe I should curl my hair with the time. I turn my curler on, then check my Facebook on my phone as I wait. The first thing I see is a picture Samara posted of yesterday.

'Aww look at Niall and Abby. Hope they have fun tomorrow. Tots shipping Nabby now <3'

Underneath is a picture of me at the after party, slow dancing with Niall. Why didn't I see her take that? There's 54 likes on the picture. 54. And 27 comments. I click 'like', then check the comments.

'F***, I wish I was Abby.'

'Awww, they are so cute!'

'You went to the after party? So jealous!'


And so on. I slide down to see Charlotte posted something.

"Got drunk with Harry Styles!"

I laugh. I decide I should post something. I click the status update icon, then type something:

'Rest in Piece Holly <3'

I take a deep breath and post it. I turn off my phone, placing it on the sink counter. I start to curl my hair, humming 'Heart Attack' as I go along. After I finish, I unplug it, then pull my phone from my pocket. I slide it, my jaw dropping.

69 notifications (hehe), 14 messages, and 5 friend requests. All in that 15 minutes. I go for the friend requests first. There are all five of the boys. Niall, Louis, Zayn, Harry and Liam. I click 'accept' on them all. I then check the notifications. All for my one post. That figures. I click on the top one, and see everything people say.


'I sure hope that means she only passed out...'


'Did she get drunk?'

'What the living hell happened?'

I sigh, then check the messages. All asking what happened with Holly. Well, since I still have roughly an hour and a half, I respond telling everyone who asked that she's dead. That she was hit by a car. I then sit on my bed, staring at the wall. I'm disturbed by the screaming of my brother.

"ABBY!!!! BREAKFAST!!!!" Troy screams.

I get up, carrying my phone downstairs. My dad and brother sit at the table, adding strips of bacon to their plates. My mom brings me a plate with a hash brown on it. I thank her, grabbing a couple strips of bacon.

"So," my dad suddenly says. "When will I meet this Neil guy?"

"His name isn't Neil, it's Niall. And probably not today." I laugh.

"You see what happens when you get a complete obsession with something? You end up marrying it!" my brother yells.

"Correction: going on a date with it. I only met Niall yesterday." I say, throwing my napkin at Troy. He flings it back at me in disgust.

"Hey, that may be worth something one day, Troy. Niall's girlfriends used napkin! That'll get good money on eBay, son." my dad jokes. I throw the napkin at him now, giving him a glance.

I eat my food, ignoring my dad and brother teasing about me going on a date. They do that every time I get a boyfriend, so I learned to just ignore them.

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