Chapter 8

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***Authors note;

Ack! I know I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy with my ringette and such (Btw WE WON OUR FINALS :D). And I have been organizing some things at school, so, yeah. Chapter 8 is a pretty big chapter, so it should occupy. But the chapters strangely seem to be getting longer each time 0.0 if that's normal. Ok, well, enough from me :P OH! One last thing! My friend and I are starting to write a book called 'The Secret Inside.' We are going to post the first chapter soon, so go check it out!


Niall suddenly jerks up in anger, forcibly standing Amanda up. He sits back down in frustration, folding his arms.

"And to think I could last a half hour without any bodyguards! Do I seriously need them by my side every second of the day?!" Niall shouts.

People start to look. Not like they weren't already.

Niall covers his face with his hands.

"I'm sorry Abby. My fame has probably ruined this whole day."

He looks at me with big eyes. The sparkle he always had in them was gone. He was really frustrated. These dumb... Dumb...

... Directionators.

"Excuse me?" Casey nearly yells. "DIRECTIONATOR?!"

Shat. I said that out loud.

"I'd rather you call me a slutty cunt then a Directionator!" Amanda barks.

I look at them, fury building up in my chest. One part of me tells me to cry, but the other one tells me to scream. And just a tad bit of me tells me to slap those bastards in the face.

"Well, if you weren't that, you wouldn't be crawling all over Niall like horny little sluts. You wouldn't be calling me things I'm not. You would be happy that Niall was with a girl. You also shouldn't be trying to screw up his life. So please, just... Just stop." I say in the calmest tone I could bring up. It didn't sound very calm, but it was best I could do.

I look at Niall. He looks as if I just lifted a total load off his shoulders. I sit back, not looking at their faces. I bury my head in my hands. When will this be over? I'm tired. I'm sick of all this. I'm hungry.

This is not how I thought today would go. I never expected to be down here in the first place. I just wanted a typical first date, like the other ones with old exes. But of course, one with a not-so-typical boy had to go, well, not-so-typical.

"Ugh, Niall. Are you actually going to deal with THAT?" Amanda says spitefully.

"You know, stop talking about Abby like that. Girls that have no heart like you are the type of girls I don't go for." Niall says, holding in rage.

All three girls look completely offended.

"But... Niall... I'm really kind." Casey almost begs.

Niall wraps his arm around me tightly. I look up at him. He turns on his phone. I think he's just going to ignore the girls.

"Ya Niall! You don't know how big my heart is! I mean, I volunteer at.... Places... For not much money!" Cleo yells.

"You don't get paid when you volunteer, stupid." Amanda says with a blank expression.

I don't even think Niall is looking anymore. Actually, he's completely ignoring them.

"Hey Abby, what's your twitter?" Niall asks me.

"Oh my god Niall follow me!" All three girls scream.

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