Chapter 4

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Y/ns Pov:
Ever since last night Wil hadn't left my side till he went to go talk to Dark. A few minutes later Dark and Wil came back. Dark looked very mad. And Wil just looked down at his feet.

"Y/n. It might not be safe if you fall asleep again. So your going to have to stay awake till we figure out what's going on." He says to me with a sigh.

Darks Pov:
"How long will it take? How long will I have to stay up?" Y/n asks me. "I'm not very sure, at least a few days." I tell her/him/them. I walked them out to the living room. Everyone else is awake now.

"Google! Can you make Y/n brea-" I was saying till Wil said "I got it" I looked over at the kitchen to see he had already cooked a bunch of food.

Y/ns Pov:
I walked over with Dark to see food on the table their was eggs, bacon, muffins, pancakes, waffles, donuts, different types of drinks, ice, bread, jelly, jam, yogurt and fruit.

We sit down as everyone else comes and sits down. We eat all the food and by the end when everyone was done eating. Their was not one speck of food left on any of the empty plates or bowls.

I went to the mall with Jack and Mark later after breakfast. The first store we went into was a store called 65 it had cool funko pops and boardgames.

Then Jack had to go to the bathroom so me and Mark just waited for him. Then I felt as if the skin from my back was like ripping of I ran into the boys/girls bathroom and I feel on the floor. Jack and Mark were waiting for me now. The pain stopped and I looked at the mirror. I HAD WINGS WHAT THE FUCK.

I poked my head and a waved for them to come here. "What is it Y/n?" Mark says to me. "I just grew wings" I say in a whisper. Jack and Mark just stare at eachother. "Here take my jacket." Jack says. I take it and put it on.

We headed straight home after that. When we got inside Dark was sitting on the couch. "Y/n has somthing to show you.." Mark says kinda quietly. Dark looks over at me. Then I take the jacket off and my wings open. He just stares at them.

"Your becoming a demon kid." Dark says to me. Then he gets up and gives me a pat on the shoulder. Then my dad comes in.

"Wow! Y/n you have wings." He says looking in awe. He comes over to me and gives me a hug.


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