Chapter 11

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I sat down at the table with all the other egos and waited to see if my dad or Dark will come. They didn't we waited for a while and then after a few hours we all went back inside because of how hot it was outside. "Dr Iplier.." I said going up to him. "Yes?" He says facing me. "I don't feel so-" i then feel to the groundmcouldnt speak or move but I could see. "OH SHIT Y/NS DIEING." He yelled picking me up and running me to his office.

He laid me down on the table and was listening for my heart beat it was faint. "Shit.." He said quietly. Then Yancy was rushing my father into the room he looked badly beaten up. "Y/n.." My dad said rushing to my side. "No no no.. your fine everything's alright. Dad's here." He says to me crying.

"Wilford you need to lie down!" Dr. Iplier yelled. "No! My daughter is about to die! NO!" Wilford yelled. Then all I could feel was my eyes rolling into the back of my head.

"Lěț ĞØ." It said it all glitchy the last thing I heard was my dad yelling my name. Then everything went numb and black.

Then I woke up to be in my bed. MY dad and Dark were on opposite sides of me. I could tell that my dad and Dark had beaten eachother up.

"Honey are you alright.." My dad said quietly. I nod I still can't really talk. I closed my eyes. "No honey no!" My dad yelled. "She's fucking fine Wilf. She's just sleeping!" Dark yells at my dad.

Then they leave the room and I hear. "Hęļłø ąğàįñ Ý/Ń." Then the voice started laughing it was in my head. I sat up and i felt somthing coming out of my ears. I taped my ear amd looked at my finger. It was blood. I get up and rush to the door to get someone.

Fucking Different (Ipliers and some Septiceyes X Teen READER)Where stories live. Discover now