Chapter 6

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The next day the twins woke up at different times but both getting ready for the Biology trip to the Greenhouse they had that day. It was rainy outside so Valerie decided on a thicker shirt with long sleeves and a jacket that could serve as a raincoat but nicer. The two sisters weren't speaking, having gotten into an argument last night over Edward and his saving of her.

Which is why, Valerie was thankful that she was being picked up by said vampire, Jasper and Alice after Bella had already left. On the car ride to school, Valerie told them about both the converstation and the argument she had with her sister regarding yesterday's events.

"And it's just frustrating because like just be thankful that you weren't squished like a pancake and move on with your life."

All three vampires shot the human girl concerned looks because of her choice of words. She dismissed them by saying she uses humor to cope with almost traumatic events.

"Okay well let's not worry about that anymore, I saw the future and it's all gonna be alright. Now, act normal, please." Alice spoke up just as Edward parked the car at school.

The little squad of four made their way towards the buses, talking amongst themselves. They saw Bella looking over to them as soon as they were in her sight but was interrupted by Mike walking up to her. Still, even with Mike in front of her, Bella was looking more towards Edward than Mike.

Valerie studied her sister's expression as Mike talked to her, she could tell her twin was feeling a bit uncomfortable. Noticing that Edward was listening in to their converstation, she asked him what it was about.

"Mike's trying to ask your sister to prom....she wasn't listening so now he's repeating himself." Valerie felt sorry for Mike, he was like a golden retriever at times but a good friend and by the looks of it, he was about to get turned down.

"Let me guess, she said no." Edward chuckled to himself before looking at Valerie and his two siblings, "Well apparently you two are going to Jacksonville that weekend, non-refundable tickets."

Valerie's mouth hung open as the three vampires laughed at her reaction, she couldn't believe Bella would rope her in on her lies to get out of prom.

"Well, have fun in Jacksonville darlin', guess I won't be taking you to prom."

Jasper winked at his girlfriend as he let go of her hand and made his way towards the bus following Alice who trying her best not to laugh at her friend's shocked face. Edward put his arm around Valerie's shoulders as a small laugh left his mouth, pulling the brunette girl towards their bus.

"C'mon Val let's go, I think you have a boyfriend to punch."

The two gave their permission slips to Mr. Molina before getting on the bus. Alice and Jasper were already sitting in the back, Edward sat down next to Alice as Valerie sat down behinde him and next to Jasper. She wacked him with her bag, it didn't hurt him of course, but for her sake and the other humans in their bus, he pretented it did.

"Ow! What was that for?" Valerie sent him a small glare as she put her bag down, "Oh shush. Why didn't you tell me you're planning on taking me to prom?"

Jasper only kissed Valerie's temple as he put his arm around her so she could cuddle into him which she happily did.

"I wanted to ask you, y'know...offically."

If Valerie could melt, she would, right there and then. It was so sweet to her how her boyfriend wanted to have her as much of a normal highschool experience as possible.

They got to the Greenhouse in no time, Valerie decided to leave her bag in the bus, only taking her phone with her. Getting inside the Greenhouse, they were all advised to leave their jackets at the coat check, since it was very warm in there, most of the students listened and did exactly that.

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