Chapter 2

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"Nat" I whispered, shaking the red head whilst trying to not wake up her sister "Wake up, we have a meeting with Tony soon."
"What time is it?" she asked groggily
"We should get going" said Natasha "Yelena, we gotta go, but we can meet up again soon"
"Of course, gonna miss you two" she said
"So will we!" I added

Once there, Natasha and I sit down at Starks' table, and just talked, waiting for whoever else was coming. The next one to arrive was Peter Parker, aka Spiderman.

"Hello Mr. Stark!" he greeted formally
"Hi Peter, please sit down with Ophelia and Natasha, we're only waiting for two more people.

A few minutes later, the last two people arrived.

"Yelena???" I asked in surprise as she walked through the door, smiling, next to a dark haired girl unknown to me.
"Ok, everyone's here so we can explain. We'd like to recruit new members for the Avengers, so we're going to give you a month to train up, and we'll assess you at the end to see how much you've improved and if we can induct you."
"Sounds fun" said Yelena
"Natasha will take you for combat and stamina , Bucky for guns, Clint for archery, and I will take you for the rest. I'll let you all talk, rooms have been arranged, and training starts tomorrow."

"So new girl," I asked "what's your name?"
"Kate Bishop" she answered
"This is such a cool opportunity!" says Peter
"Yeah, except I'm going to destroy you all" adds Yelena with a smirk
"We'll see about that." I said winking at her

The next morning, I woke up at 6, did a quick workout and headed down to breakfast. There, the newbies were introduced to most the team, including, Steve, Rhodey, Thor, Bruce and Wanda.

"Ok trainees" announced Rogers "Bishop, you go with Romanoff, Belova, your with Tony, and Parker, you're with Bucky"

I decided to watch Natasha, who was going to train Kate, so I followed them to the gym.

"Ok Kate" she said, turning to the younger girl "I'll start by assessing you. Go on, attack me."

Kate attacked Natasha, but she dodged it with ease. After a few minutes of dodging, she started to fight back just a little bit, but Kate was also a great dodger. Finally Natasha managed to land a blow on her, I watched, interested.

"That was pretty good for a first time" she remarked

I spent the rest of the day watching the trainees train, silently assessing them in my head, as I might be working with them officially after their month long test.


Snowy love | Yelena Belova x Fem!Oc¹Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt