Chapter 11

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"... and then I teleported us back here." I said, explaining the event of the previous days.
"Thank god Melina protected you. Terrible things could've happened if they had injected the real serum." concluded Nat
"Yeah, I'm glad she was there. We have to take down this new 'Black Room', before it becomes too much of a problem."
"I think we should go together, all three of us. You're welcome to join, of course." you said to Melina
"I appreciate the offer, but I'm going to sit this one out" she chuckled
"You can sleep in my room for the night if you'd like" offered Yelena
"Where will you sleep?" she asked
"With Ophelia" she smirked looking at me
"Good with me" I said, giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

We showed her to Yelena's room and we went back to my own. Yelena settled down on the bed and hugged me.

"Don't ever leave my side ever again."
"I won't" you smiled
"Do you want sleep already? You must be really tired."
"No, it's ok, I just want to snuggle with you."

She put her head in the middle of my chest and I played around with her hair, but I eventually fell asleep due to all the fatigue. I woke up, feeling Yelena's arms around me. It was amazing to be back with her. I savored these moments, knowing we would soon be going on a long and tough mission. She rolled around in her sleep, and this time, I put my arms around her. She was as beautiful as a goddess. I got up to take a quick shower and left her in bed. When I came back, she was lazily propped up on the bed watching tv.

"Morning Lena, you ready for this?"
"I think I am. I'll be with you, so it'll be ok."
"Let's go get Natasha."

I knocked on her door, and she came out, already prepared. We sat down at the meeting table, discussing the plan.

"Ok, first off, do we know where it is?" she asked
"I have a rough idea." I responded, "When we were let out, I recognized a forest in Finland."
"If you can bring us there, it'll be alright"
"Yep, I can"
"For the attack plan" said Yelena "I think we should prepare an ambush. It'll be easier than facing them head-on"
"Yeah. I think I can get a map of the base if I'm able to hack their database." she said, pulling up her computer

We planned the rest and left. Before we went in, Yelena gave me a last kiss, her soft lips pressing on my, which I returned. We broke in silently and separated, although still connected with comms. 

"I've found the control room" whispered Nat
"Great, try and figure things out. I'll check for any prisoners. Lena, how are you doing with your part?" I asked

No response


Still nothing

"Natasha, I have her comms' location, I'll head over and call you if anything happens."
"Alright but stay safe."

Checking the location on my watch, she was somewhere in the upper levels. Shit. Had she gone looking for the boss? I ran and ran, sprinting up the stairs. When I got to the earpieces' location, it was just there, sitting on the floor, picked it up, and heard somebody land next to me.


Snowy love | Yelena Belova x Fem!Oc¹Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora