Chapter 12

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I turned around to see Yelena, holding a long, sharp dagger in her right hand.

"Lena...? You alright?"

She didn't answer, instead rushing over and slashing at me with the dagger.

"Fuck" I mumbled "Nat, get back to the jet and get me a red vial. FAST!"
"Why? What happened"
"They got Lena."
"Going there now."
"Yelena, if your there, please, try and break through. I won't hurt you; I promise." I said, turning back to my girlfriend.

Whilst she attacked me, trying to stab me from all sides, I just defended, blocking her over and over. She did manage to scratch me a few times, but never anything too deep. A few minutes later, Nat came running through the open doors; but that caused me to lower my guard, and Yelena managed to stab me in the side, blacking out.

Yelena's POV

Natasha and I had managed to take it down. We now had an almost bigger problem. I had been under the control of this new 'Black Room'. I then attacked Ophelia relentlessly against my own will and managed to stab her about a week ago. She was now sitting in the med bay, a respirator on her mouth, bandages covering her ribs. She was alive, but in a coma. When she woke up, how would she ever look at me again, let alone love me? I hadn't yet been to see her, too afraid to have to see her there, asleep, hurt.
I heard a knock on my door and went to open it.

"Hey Lena, Ophelia's awake."
"That's great."
"She's asking for you"
"I can't go. She'll probably break up with me, telling me how much she hates me."
"I don't think so. The first thing she said was you name." 
"Fine, I'll go."

Back to Ophelia's POV

 Yelena came in and sat down in the stuffy armchair next to you bed.

"Ophelia, before you say anything, I just want to tell you one thing: two actually. I'm sorry, and I love you. What I did was horrible, and I understand if you want to break up with me."
"Why would I even think that? Lena, I love you with all my heart. There's actually something I want to do right now."

I got up, a bit painfully, swiftly took the ring box from under my pillow and got on one knee.

A/N: they're like 5 months into dating, but they love each other very much <3

"Yelena Belova, ever since the day I met you, I have felt nothing but happiness with you. You were with me through the highs and the lows, and every moment spent without you is time wasted. My one wish is for you to stay with me, 'til the day I die. I want to spend every second with you, no matter if it's important or not. You make me happy, and I love you. So, what I'm asking is, will you marry me?" I asked, looking into her eyes, hoping the answer to be yes.
"Yes, a million times yes! I love you Ophelia" she responded, tears sparkling in her eyes

I slipped the ring on her finger, the beautiful diamonds sparkling, and kissed her like I never had before.

"That means I can call you my fiancée now" I smirked
"And I'll call you mine" she said, a twinkle of happiness in her eyes


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