Chapter 6

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The letter stopped abruptly, which meant this is probably when more agents found them. Just at that moment, three men came in.

"Hands in the air!" yelled one of them

I didn't listen, and started fighting back but I was outnumbered. One of them stabbed me with a needle and I fainted.
You woke up to someone shaking you, and opened your eyes to see your girlfriend.

"L-Lena?" I asked, still a bit dizzy
"Yes, it's me! I missed you so much Ophelia, but why're you here?"
"I came looking for you. Couldn't leave you alone, could I?" I told her
"You shouldn't have, you're in danger now."
"You're my girlfriend dumbass, of course I'll look for you."

Your conversation ended there since a man had walked in to the room you were being held captive.

"Well ladies, welcome to your new home."
"What're you going to do with us?" I snapped
"Simple." he said, and pulled out some sort of medical instrument. "Now, who's going to come? I think blondie (Yelena) would like to."

He stepped towards her, but I blocked his path.

"Take me instead."
"Alright then. Follow me."
"Ophelia..." she said, looking at me with sadness in her eyes whilst holding my hand, silently begging you not to go.

I kissed her goodbye on the cheek and followed the man.

"Get in" he said, beckoning to a stone room

I obeyed and got in. Two men strapped you to a chair. 

"Subject 004. Testing commencing."

They shocked me multiple times, hit you with a variety of items, torturing me. The pain was excruciating, but they kept me awake. After about 5 hours of this, they grabbed a weird green crystal with a mechanical arm and pressed it against my stomach. I felt an outburst of energy and pain, watching as the whole room was lit up a bright green. I looked down at myself, and you too were lit up by the green glow. Then, the light diminished and you felt more tired than ever. They stabbed me with a needle, and again, I fainted. This time, I didn't wake up with Yelena, but in the same empty stone room. I was tired of this, but they let me out. They brought Yelena, kicked us out and left. We weren't at the hospital, we were stranded in a random forest.

"Oh my gosh Ophelia what did they do to you?" she asked worryingly

"What do you mean?" I asked confused, as I felt fine. Then I looked down at myself: I was covered in bruises, scars, blood, and there was a weird green star-circle shape around your belly button when you lift up your hoodie yet I felt no pain. 

"I can't feel it. I can't feel the pain..."
"Let's get back home, I'll call Tony."

She called him and I sat down on a nearby bench. He arrived mere minutes later.

"Ophelia, what the fuck happened to you??" he asked as we got in his car.
"I'll explain when we're back."

On the way back you laid down on Yelena's legs and fell asleep. This time, you woke up in a hospital bed, bandages covering your whole body.

"How long have I been here, asleep?" I asked Bruce, who was looking at his computer.
"Ophelia! You startled me! Not much just 3 hours, I'll notify the others, you've got to explain what happened."
"Fine, call them."
"Here they are" he said as he opened the door and almost the whole team rushed in.
"Ophelia! Thank god you're okay!" said Natasha
"What happened?" asked Sam

I explained to them what Hydra had put through me, but I didn't tell them about the green stone.

"Please never do that again" asked Yelena, hugging me
"If I hadn't came they'd have done this to you." you said pointing at you're own scarred body. "You probably think I look like garbage now though."
"Well, you're hot garbage. You'll always look like an angel to me" she smirks
"Just come here." you sighed grabbing her in for a passionate kiss


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