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It was actually quite an interesting story. Darcy had grown up with stories about the Howling Commandos, like everyone did, as she lived with her grandparents, who had been in the second world war themselves.

Thing was, those stories were nice and everything, but there was really only one character who actually interested her.

Peggy Carter. A feminist, not one to take bullshit from anyone and a powerful woman.

Her grandparents smiled at that, seeing the little girl being completely obsessed with the woman and while others got Ameribears and other Howling Commandos, she dragged them to every place where she could find anything about her.

When she was twelve, her grandparents gave her the best present possible. They had searched out some old contacts and got her to fulfill her biggest wish: to meet Peggy Carter herself.

She was grey now, old, but still had that same power over her, the same hardness in her eyes, even though they softened when she looked at Darcy.

Peggy greeted her grandparents like they were old friends, which, knowing them, was quite possible. She was really nice to Darcy and answered all her questions, including the ones about Steve, even though it still hurt her to talk about him.

After that visit, many more followed, until Darcy really saw Peggy as a grandmother to her.

Peggy also though her quite some useful lessons

"Never let anyone tell you what to do or who to be."

"Always be ready to kick someone's ass, as you young people call it."

"Always look good, even when you feel bad."

"Make sure people underestimate you. It will make it easier for you to surprise them."

"Never waste time to love someone. You never know when that time is up."

And of course the classic:

"Expect the unexpected."

When Darcy is eighteen and her grandparents die, she visits Peggy, only to discover that she had been diagnosed with Alzheimer.

After that, her whole life went to hell. She went to University, but changed major every so often. There was actually only one stable thing in her life: her lipstick. It was a bright red, as a reminder of Peggy and her advices.

She used snark and wit to cover up her instability and basically had a break down every other day, until one not so sunny day she got accepted for an internship. Itself was not  a happy occasion, as she  discovered she needed nothing more that six small science credit before she could graduate, but it did make a lot of good things happen to her.

And so, it happened that a Norse god fell out of the sky, she survived an alien invasion in London and tazed some robots who were programmed to take over the world by no one less than Tony Stark hilself, even if he did not mean to. Also, before the robots, SHIELD fell, HYDRA turned out to be everywhere and the Winter Soldier, who apparently was one hell of an assassin, turned out to be Captain America's former best friend,  before he dissapeared of the earth ruslting in the Captain, The Black Widow and a new superhero with mechanic wings named The Falcon go out and search for him, rolling up HYDRA bases all over the world.

Thor finally spoke to Jane again, after which they fucked like rabbits for months, but point is that he decided that it would be safest for her o move to Avengers Tower and got her a contract with Stark Industries for funding and her own, high-tech lab space.

Darcy, who had understood er time to take care of Jane was over before Thor even finished talking, had already started paking her bags and looking for a place to stay, when Jane surprised her, saying that she would not go anywhere without Darcy coming with her. And so, she was living in the Avengers Tower, where she, Clint and Tony, as he instisted she should call him, hit off immediately, with snark, banter and sarcastic quips thrown each others way. Banner liked her too, though that was mainly becuase she ade sure everyone ate and slept and brought him tea sometimes.

Somewhere around the six month mark since she moved into the Tower, she was walking around Brooklyn, looking for a shop that looked like it would sell good lipstick, as hers was almost empty, when she accidently walked into someone, spilling her coffee all over the two of them.

That someone turned out to be said Winter Soldier, who had returned on own terms and was  more like the old Bucky than any of them had thought. She, being Darcy, of course did not know he actually was and flirted with him like she would have done with anybody.

That resulted into a feew dates, with even some kisses shared between them,before he actually showed up and the Tower and revealed himself.

Later, when he is healed as completely as he is probably ever going to get, she asks him why he returned her flirtig, to which he answered that her lipstick reminded him of home.

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