Darcy is angry

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She was mad, she was really really mad. At what? At every fucking thing.

She came out of bed this morning having overslept and had not heard her alarm go off. Ater that, the coffee machine broke. Yes! In Avengers Tower coffee machines break! So she could not get her life juices that she needed to stay alive during the day. Then it turned out that she was on her period and ha dleakd through her pajamas, throuh the sheets and even into the matress, which meant she had to get a new one and wash her sheets. Then she finally went up to the commons, where some of the Avengers were watching the news or doing other things, and finally got her cup of coffee. She then proceded to wrangle Jane into eating because she was on a bender and that meant crying brakdowns and throwing stuf.

She then tried to decipher Jane's handwriting to file some reports, but gave up after an hour and went to get another coffee and to get her machine to be repaie, only to find that her phone had died because she had forgotten to plug it in last night.

So she went back to her apartment, only ti=o find that Lucky, Clint's dog, had escaped once again and made an even bigger mess of her room, so she had to bring him back and cuss Clint out because could he really not keep that dog somewhere else?

Finally she reutrned to find Jane drooling on her notes, as she had finally fallen asleep, and went to get Thor to brignher to bed, but he turned out to be out wth Steve and practically everyone else who could lift heavy things, which was exactly the opposite of what she needed, as Jane was suprisingly heavy for someone this small.

So when she had finally dragged Jane to bed it was already time for lunch and then she came to the dicovery that not only had the guys stolen all the good food, she had also forgotten about her period and had leaked once again. And so she had to chance before finally eating a sandwich and checking in on Doctor Banner, who as doing his job as usual.

 She then filed some more reportsjust trying to keep the Stark Industires' board happy, because no was in hell Thor would let them stop Jane.

Then Doctor Banner accidently spilled some acid, which resulted into him turning into the Hulk and her hiding away before Clint came to save her.

 So yeah, she was mad. At everything and anyone, because this was really one of the worst days of her life.

And then, right when she had enough, HYDRA storned inside and tried to take over the Tower. so she naturally, tazed them all and literally went on a strike through out the whole Tower tazing every HYDRA agent she cme acros

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