Darcy/Quicksilver Fast Love

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Finally Jane and Darcy were at the Avengers Tower, as Stark Industries had offered Jane a contract fr funding and actually had made Darcy head of the uppr science department, which basically meant she wrangled not only Jane, but also Bruce Banner and Tony Stark himself.

After the robot invasion, for which Tony apologized, Thor finally came to the conclusion that they would be safer in the Avengers Tower and that it wouldalso be easier to keep contact with Jane that way.

They were not the only new people in the tower, as Hawkeye had turned up with two young people, a girl and a guy with superpowers, who used to be experiments and sides with Ultron for a while until he convinved them t go to the other side and work with them and now they lived in the Avengers Tower too.

Darcy was now not only a head of a department, she had also taken the task of making the tower home for all the superheroes, which included making sure they bonded over movies, ate healthy and went to counseling every so often.

It was one morning, while she was baking bacon for breakfast, or more like awhole pig with the amount the superheroes ate, that she met Pietro, also known as Quicksilver. She batted his hand away when he tried to sneak a piece, but was surprised by the speed he used to get it anyway.

"Wha-" she began as she turned around, facing the blonde.

"Hi! I am Pietro. You must be Darcy." he introduced himself, his accent clear in his voice and making her knees weak.

"Eh, yeah, yes I am. Why are you stealing my bacon? Breakfast will be served in ten minutes, once the rest wakes up." she said, staring up at him.

He was handsome. The Eastern Europe kind of handsome, something that had Always been a weak spot for her. She liked men with accents, okay?

"I was hungry." he pouted, making her recognise im as just as much of a cocky little shit stirrer as Clint was.

"Well I am sure you can wait ten more minutes, so shoo, before I call Thor to take you away." she said, narrowing her eyes.

"But then I would not be able to eat your delicious bacon!" he complained, though his face suggested a different kind of bacon.

"Nope, I will not fall for puppy eyes, Jane has mastered those. Shoo!" she saidm shaking her head and shooing him away before turning back to the bacon.

It was a week later when she came into her bedroom only to find a strange bouquet, completely made out of bacon.She knew who it was of course, but Jane did not and quircked up an eyebrow at it as she chewed on a piece. It had a little card bound to it, with an adress and a date and time on it. A date, she knew and she quickly googled the adress.

She arrived just in time then, though Pietro was already waiting. After dinner, he took her to a club, where they danced for quite some time, before returning to the Tower, where they made out in the hall before she pulled him inside and basically acted like a whore. He seemed to like it tough and soon she discovered that he was literallya human vibrator, which was totally awesome.

A few months later, after another success full date, Pietro surprised her by pulling out a ring and asking her to marry him. She, having fallen in love with him quite some time ago, said yes and they ran away to Las Vegas to get married.

No, really, they packed their back and went to have their wedding in a quick ceremony at a small chapel there. Nine months later Darcy gave birth to a girl, Bennet Wanda Maximoff.

It was Always a fun thing to explain their relationship to others, as they did not even know eachother for a year and people either shook their heads in disbelief or told them they were idiots and ruined marriage.

That actually resulted in some action to divorse them of each other, religious groups saying that they did not know each other long enough to marry and that they were forced into it.

Cort started an investigation but turned up with nothing to take them apart except from the fact he was a superhero and they did not know each other very long.

Thing was, they utterly and completely trusted each other, having told their full stories only to each other and simple nothing could take them apart.

It was around the second year mark that Darcy gave birth to a boy, named Phillip Bodil Maximoff and Pietro came home with another boy, a little guy who he saved rom a lab where they had experimented on him. They named him Sergei Dimitri Maximoff and loved him as their own. He was about the same age as Flip, as Phillip was called by everyone, and they grew up as twins.

It was ages later when they told the story of how they fell in love, fast like everything about Pietro was, when their grandchildren asked about it, wanting to know why Granny Wanda Always smiled and shook her head when they neared.

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