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Rain had always played a big part in Darcy's life. She had leanred to love it and hate it on the same time. whenever it rained, she knew something bog was going to happen.

It rained on the day of her birth, or so her mother had told her, just as she had said that it rained on the day she met and slept with her father.

It rained on the day her grandparents died and the day of heir funeral, when she came home to see her mother hanging from the ceiling. It rained on the day she went to the orphanage.

It rained when her best friend got adopted and when the children of school found out what had happened to her mother and who her father was, but it also rained on the day she got adopted herslef, by a sweet, young couple who wanted to avoid the messy early years of children by adopting eightyear old Darcy.

It rained on the day of the accident very hard, so hard it made the roads slipperyand caused the car to crash. Her new parents were dead, she survived with a broken arm and a concussion. After that, she did not get adopted and news spread that she brought bad luck. "Mother never knew the father. Grandparents died and her mother hung herself after the funeral. Got adopted but the couple died in a ar crash. She may be still alive but no one else around her is." were some of the things they said and those were the nice ones.

Then it did not rain for a long time where ever she was though as soon as she went on excursion with school or on a trip wih the orphanage it rained on the city.

It rained when she was fourteen and a man came by to talk to her. He was a lawyer and told her that her father wanted to meet her, but could not take care of her, as he was a very busy man. She was not stupid. Shehad seen the man before, he worked for Tony Stark, who was, surprise! her father. She had put the pieces together by the time she was ten and knew that he was simply to irresponsible to take care of her, but that did not mean she did not want to meet him.

Years continued, filled with visits to Tony in the biggest secret and meeting the peopel closest around him. Rhodey, who she called Jim, as did everyone except Tony, Pepper, who she really liked because she took care of him and Obie, who he absolutely did not like as she felt the thunder inside her rumble whenever he was near. She knew he would make it rain, the bad kind of rain.

That rain finally came while she was in University, switching her major every so often. Tony was kidnapped in Afghanistan and nobody could find him. She knew it was Obie though, she felt in in the deepest part of her soul, here the rain and storms hid in her body.

And then, after wht seemed like forever, Tony showed up again, with a mini arc reactor in his chest and an announcement that he was Iron Man. It rained that day too, happy rain, good rain, like everything was finally falling into place. Something bog was going to happen, she knew, something that would change everything, but she could not o anythig but continue her own way.

It rained on the day she chos the poli-sci major and she knew that was the one. It also rained when she applied for Dr. Foster''s internship and it probably rained too on the day Thor fell out of the sky ad she tazed him with her tazer upgraded by the thunder inside her, thouh she was ot sure as she did not check the news.

He was one of the pieces, one of the most important ones, she knew, as the thunder rumbled happy and the storms calmed a little bt whenever he was near.

More things happened to Tony, though he came out alive and Thor was back in his home world, Asgard. She did not hear from him for a long time, until one day she was spending the ight with Pepper and Tony, celebrating the fact that Stark Tower was now running on completely green energie, hen it rained and she had to hide behind a couch because Ipod-stealing Coulson cami in uninvited and told Tony about the Tesseract.

She went to Tromso with Jane afterwards, keeping herself and Jane safe from whatever was happening and soon they were in London, she had her own intern and Dark Elves were coming from the sky. They stopped that invasion too, beofre Thor dissapeared again, though he promised to make contact when he was on earth again and it rained.

To sum things up, she knew what was going on before Jne even reaized when she threw up and it rained. Nine months later, Thyra Bennet Foster was born, while it rained like never before.

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