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Saturdays were the most important and happy days for Darcy. They were her favorite, simply because that were the days she had no responsibilities, no things that needed her attention except for her hot chocolate, her bed and her movies. Saturdays were holy in her eyes, as weekdays were spent on school and work and Sundays were for family and other social activities. Everyone who knew Darcy also knew that they should not come with things sh needed to do on Saturdays, for you were cussed out and got things thrown at your head. The only reason you could interrupt her was to aks to join in on the movie or givin her more chocolate. No one actually realized how important those days were for her.

It started when she moved into Avengers Tower. That happened on a Saturday, because that was apparently the only day superheroes and Norse gods could help her move boxes and furniture, and it resulted in her being stressed and grumpy for the rest of the week. The next Saturday she did not get any sleep, becuase the Tower went on lock down because HYDRA tried to attack. And so, another week passed without her having her kinds of Saturday. Thing was, those Saturdays had Always been the days on which she relieved her stress and worries, on which she healed from what had happened in the rest of the week, since her parents met each other and after she, Sam and Riley went born, she had spent Satuerdays this way since forever. Becuase she did not relieve those tensions, she slept worse through the weeks, ocasionally spending the whole night lying awake.

The third Saturday at Avengers Tower was also not a good day, because she had to attent a pressconference on why she was seen near Avengers and how sh was elated to them. After that week she barely slept and mostly relied on coffee and suger rushes.

The next week she actually got kidnapped by HYDRA and even though they found her within two days and unharmed, she once again did not get her Saturday.

She did not sleep at that point and barely functioned, though she put on a mask so no one would notice, though she saw Jane and Thor shoot her worried glances sometimes.

It was only Tuesday when she was walking from the couch to the kitchen in the commons room to get some more coffee, when the floor started to turn and she felt herself sink towards it. The last thing she remembered was the thought that she did not know that floors were so soft.

When she woke up, she was lying in a hospital bed, probably somewhere in medical, and Jane and Thor were sitting on two chairs next to her.

"Darcy! Oh my God, you are finally awake!" Jane exclaimed, quickly standing up to hug her.

"You were out for four whole days, Lady Darcy, but the doctor said you were not harmed or ill, so why did that happen?" Thor cut to the case, also getting up to peel Jane off her and give her a hug himself.

"Oh, yeah, it would not be the first time that happened after a time like this." Darcy sighed, recognising the signs and what she remembered.

"It has happened four times before, when I do ot get to realease all of my stress on Saturdays I start to stop sleeping and then I simpl run on caffeine and suger, resulting in me passing out for a couple of days. It's nothing special, I jjust need to rest and relax and I will be back in no time." she assured them, explaining why Saturdays were so holy to her.

"Wait, four days and it was Tuesday when I passed out.... that means it is Saturday!" Darcy realised, trying to get out of the bed and not letting Jane and Thor stop her.

"Darcy! Come back here! You cannot just walk away after you have passed out!" Jane called after her as she stalked out of Medical and towards her apartment, where she knew a pile of movies and her chocolate were waiting on her.

After giving up on trying to convince her to let a doctor check her over, Thor and Jane just sat down and watched with her. After thirty minutes Natasha and Clint came in, as he had seen all of it happen and it did not take long before Tony came in dragging the others. They held a movie marathon before falling asleep all on top of each other, where they stayed until Sunday in the late afternoon.

After that, Saturdays were Saturdays and now the whole team and friends joined her, making it even bigger than it used to be to her.

Darcy Lewis One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now