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She was only eight when she saw him for the first time, a shadow in the room. She sat up oher bed and simply asked why he was here, but he did not answer and so she fell back asleep.

The second time she saw him, she was twelve and walking on the trails through the woods. She asked him why he followed her and again he did not answer.

When she saw him for the third time she was sixteen and was walking home from a party. She saw him standing in the shadowed alley and asked him why he was there. He did not answer once again and she continued.

"If you will not answer me, I will continue to ask until you tell me, but make it a true answer." She said, vowing she would always ask him when he appeared.

The fourth time she was twenty and in University, when she saw him standing in the shadows of the building. Slowly, as not to attract attention to them, she walked up to him and once again asked him why he was there and once again he did not answer.

The fifth time she was sitting in the living room with Jane and was watching the news, where they showed him fighting Captain America. Quietly she asked him why he was there, but as he was all the way in D.C., he did not answer.

The sixth time she had just moved to New York, as Jane had decided it was there they had the biggest chance of seeing Thor again, and she was visiting some shady pub. He was sitting in the back and when she joined him and asked why he was there, he did not answer. She continued to talk though, about small things, like Jane's obsession with pop tarts and the weather differences in New York and London. He did reply then and it was the first time she heard his voice, which was nice and warm, though a bit dark combined with his long hair and scruffy face.

Times seven to twelve followed shortly after, when she cut his hair and beard and just talked with him, helping him comb through his memories. Apparently he did remember her and all the times she met him, as they could not erase things they did not know he knew.

The thirteenth time she saw him and asked the question, it was in the tower and Steve answered for him.

"He just appeared in the lobby this morning. Apparently he has been on his own for a while, just recovering." the blond said, not knowing that was not what she meant.

The fourteenth to seventeenth times were also in the tower and the others had started to look weird at her for asking that question before normally talking with him.

"Do you not want him here or something? Has he done something to you?" Tony asked once, to which she grinning shook her head and did not answer.

The eighteenth time was on Tony and Pepper's wedding, who were finally getting married after a lengthy engagement. She was wearing her best dress and her highest heels and was just helping out with the last preperations for the afterparty when he spun her around and kissed her softly. It was a needy kiss, filled with longing and love and tenderness and it comletely surprised her, even though she melted into it.

"Why are you here?" she asked smiling softly at James.

He then, for the very first time, finally answered. "Because you feel like home." he said, smiling brilliantly in reply.

"And because I thought I had to answer that question before I asked you this." he said, going to sit on one knee and pulling out a beautiful ring.

"Darcy Lewis, love of my life, I have answered your question, now will you answer this one? Will you pretty pretty please marry me?" he asked, to which she heartely replied with yes.

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