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Hello, just a simple word, one of the most used even, a simple greeting that could be used on anyone, by anyone. That was the word it all started with.

Darcy, having left Jane on her own, though Thor was looking out for her at the moment, had moved into an apartmet in Brooklyn, still staying quite close to Avengers Tower in case Jane needed her.

She had gotten a job at a Brritish embassy, where she fetched coffee for the people there and occasionally filed things away. It was basically the same thing she had don for Jane, only without the science and by far not as exciting. She also worked at a youth center, helping kids who struggled with their home situation, personal poblems or bullies. Her jobs did not pay her much and her apartment was not much more than a closet, but it gave her a place to stay and something to do.

That did not mean she was not bored though. She frequented a number of clubs and pubs, almost every evening when she did not had to go to work the next day and sometimes even if she did, though she preferred to stay sober on those nights.

It was in one of those clubs she met him. She was sitting at the bar, just looking around as she sipped her drink, when she saw him, a attractive, though dark looking and kind of brooding looking guy, with long dark hair in a bun on the back of his head and a row of vodka shots in front of him. She was already a bit tipsy, so that might have explained why she did what she did, but she decided that, "Fuck it, why the hell not" to approach him.

"Hello." was all she said as she slit into his booth in the far back corner of the club.

"Hello" was all he replied, looking at her with eyes filled with distrust, though that lessened onc he looked her over and deemed her harmless.

"Soooo..... Do you come here often?" she drawled, grinning at him a bit loopy.

"Are you drunk?" he asked, seemingly amused with her.

"Nope, just tipsy. What is your name? I am Darcy." she replied, still smiling at him.

God, he was handsome. Strong jawline, those deep blue eyes that swallowed you whole and currently a charming as hell sarcastic smirk on his face.

"Call me James." was all he said, taking another shot before staning up.

"Do you dance?" he asked, offering her a hand.

"Nope, not that kind of dance." she shook her head, staring past James to look at the couples swing dancing on the dance floor.

"Come on, it is not that hard to learn. I will teach you. I promise you will get it in no time." he tried to convince her, strin into her eyes with a look that should be forbidden, so cute and charming it was.

"God, okay, I will, but if you make me trip, all my drinks are on you." sh grumbled, standing up and letting him lead her to the floor.

He was right, within minutes she got the steps and before she knew it they swirled over the dance floor. After a while, the music changed to a slow song and Darcy started to pull away, but James just pulled her closer.

And so they danced and before she realized it, the club was closing and they said goodbye. She visited it a few times more before she saw him again, but they exchanged contact info and went on a few dates afterwards.

They continued to see each other for quite some time, before James finally agreed to meet Jane, after which everything went really quickly.

Jane recognised him as James Barnes, Captain America's best friend and the feared Winter Soldier, which actually explained the metal arm quite a bit. She called Thor, who alarmed the other Avengers and they took James with him, after which it was quite a whle beofre she could see him again.

When she did though, four months later, it was not really a nice occasion. HUDRA had heard about her connection not only with Thor, but also with their precious asset, that they decided to kidnap her and use her as leverage.

The Avengers, of course, did not like that and within a week they had found her and taken her home, where she first spent some time in the Medical dapertment of Stark Industries before news got to her that ony had quit her rent for her apartment and had given her a new one in the Tower. She spent some time there, waiting for a good moment, until the Asselble alarm sounded and she went up to the common room to see James again.

And agan, like everytime they greeted each other, they said Hello.

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