Natasha/Darcy poledancer au (kinda)

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Tony did not understand why Natasha would go with them. She was a woman, why would she go with them to a strip club? Was she planning something? Keeping an eye on Katniss?

In every way he turned it, i did not make sense, he simply could not find a reason why she would go with them.

"Hey, Hawkass, why is itsy bitsy spider coming with us?" he asked, seeing no other way to know what he wanted to know.

"Seriously Tony? You really do not realize that the only times she as romantical contact with guys is when she is doing her job? She is a fucking lesbian, you idiot, of course she is coming with us to see the stripper!" Merida replied, rolling his eyes as Tony's mind froze.

Natasha was a lesbian. Natasha. Romanov. The. Fucking. Black. Widow. Was. A. Lesbian. of course.

Darcy had a new job, although she had been doing it for a few months now, it still counted as new, ince she had never done anything like it. What it was? She was a poledancer. An official poledancer with quite some training. It was actually a great way to excercise, since you needed quite some strength to hold youself upside down on a pole with only your arms.

Her intership had finished with Jane and since she now had a lab and a small army of assistants, Darcy was not needed anymore, though she did meet with Jane almost every week. But hey, bills had to be paid and this paid goo, like really good. No, she had not turned into a whore or a prostitute, she jsut danced on a pole for money and left directly afterwards, never going in on the avanches of the people who visited the club. There were dancers who did sleep around, but she preferred not to do that and she was by far not the only one.

Tonight she was dancing on "Take me to church" from Hozier, which was quite a slow number, but it worked and was one of the customers' favorites.

While she was on stage, she looked into the audience, making eye contact every so often and almost let go of the pole and fell down when she spotted some famlilar faces in the crowd.

The Avengers were here. Why were they here? Godd thing Thor is not here, I believe he and Jane went out on a date tonight. Why is the Black Widow here? I believe Tony is the only one who recognises me. Good thing, though I will have to avoid him for a while.

After her performance she hurried to get back into her normal clothes, only answering the questioning glanes with the words: familiar faces, of which everyone knew what it meant. Then, she hurried to her car and just as she saw them walk out of the building she drove away.

It was three nights later when she got home, that she found she had a visitor.

"I did not know you could pole dance." said the stunning red head as she stoop up frm the couch, where she had been sipping a glass of wine.

"I did not know you went to strip clubs." Darcy replied, trying to mask her surprise.

"Guess we should get to know each other, huh?" Natasha grinned, handing her another glass.

"I a sorry to ask, but why are you here?" she asked uncomfortably.

Why was she here? Why would a sexy female superhero visit a former intern who was now a pole dancer?

"Do not look so scared, I am not going to harm you in any way. Unless you have something to confess?" Natahsa grinned, not really reassuring Darcy.

"But anyway, I am her because I wanted to get to know you better." she continued, pushing Darcy onto the soft cousions of the couch.

And so they talked, about everything that had happened to Darcy, things they liked and disliked and much more. Every time Darcy emptied her glass, Natahsa would refill it and after the third one Darcy was quite tipsy.

Maybe it was liquid courage, maybe it was a hidde feeling, but she turned her head to Natasha and softly pressed her lips against the others.

Natasha kissed back, softly at first, but more and more needy as the kiss progressed. They were making out now, Natasha's hand having slipped beneath her t-shirt and hers in the red hair.

When they finally stopped they were both breathing heavely and looked quite mussed. Smiling carefully they looked at each other before Natasha annouced she should go.

It was only the day after whn Darcy received a text saying that they should meet up again and three dates later they were dating.

It took another four months before the others finally discovered who Natahsa's mystery girlfriend was, though Clint knew from before the first kiss what was going to happen.

Yes, so maybe Natasha had seduced a pole dancer into going out with her! But hey, none of the were complaining, the opposite actually, they were absolutely happy together, so what was the problem?

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