Four: cooler than demo dogs

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Admittedly I just wanted to spend more time with him even if it was initially my idea to leave. He chuckled as he walked towards me and I thought I'd hear another snide remark leave his lips but all i was met with was 'sure.'

I fought a pout as I stepped down onto the grass, making my way to his car. I wanted him to say something to me, fill the silence, tease me I don't know it felt weird like this. Though I supposed I shouldn't be saying anything did or didn't feel weird between me and Eddie we barely knew each other after all. When I tried to open his door it was locked and I stood there with a pout, earning another chuckle from Eddie.

"Are you always so impatient princess?" His voice rang out as I slid into the car.

"Yea probably." When I replied I got a laugh from him, not a small chuckle but an actual laugh, one that sprang forth from his core, I supposed he hadn't expected me to be so blunt and I couldn't help but to giggle along with him.

Eddie flicked on the radio and I was met with music I definitely didn't know and was a bit hardcore for me as we started moving. I didn't dislike what he had on and it was cute the way he was tapping his fingers on the steering wheel and occasionally mouthing lyrics. I blushed when Eddie looked over at me and I averted my gaze as I saw a smirk appear on his lips.

"It's alright to stare Sweetheart." He paused for a moment, letting me look back in his direction. "I don't mind."

"'M sure you don't." I retorted as I let my eyes leave him and fall to the road instead.

"Yea?" When he spoke the smirk hadn't left his lips and I kind of wished I could make it. I just rolled my eyes and kept my gaze out the window, following trees and houses as we made our way through town.

We didn't say much until we got to 7/11 and the car was being parked. The lights of the convenience store hit Eddie's face as he pulled the keys from the ignition and turned to face me. He had a sort of giddy or expecting smile on his face and I didn't know what he wanted.

"Well then darling." He chuckled when I hadn't said anything and stepped out of his car. I followed clumsily, catching my foot on the edge of the car and stumbling as I got out because why wouldn't I look like an idiot in front of Eddie. "What's your fix?"

I rolled my eyes at his question and began to make my way over to the front door but before I could
Eddie had jogged in front of me and was holding it open with his hand in a gesture that suggested 'ladies first.' I chuckled and made my way past him, letting my eyes meet his as I did. "I guess chivalry isn't dead."

He gasped and put a hand over his heart in mock surprise. "M'lady you wound me." I couldn't help but  to laugh which caused a bright smile to find its way onto his face.

As I stepped into the convenience store Eddie followed closely behind me and I walked to the Candy aisle and grabbed a bag of sour patch kids, they may have only come out last year but they're some of my favourite candies. Eddie watched me and I wondered what candies he wanted if any. I grabbed soem kitkats too before going to the slushee machine getting a cherry slushee before turning to Eddie, he had some coke and potato chips and that was it, boring. Whatever, I didn't really care as I walked to the counter to put my stuff down. There was nobody in line considering it was half past midnight last I checked. Eddie pulled out his wallet before I could and I crossed my arms.

"Hey, it's like you said, chivalry isn't dead." He winked at me before purchasing our items. The cashier looked like he wanted to die and we didn't make much small talk. Leaving with our bags (and slushee) in hand I went to get back into his car and Eddie followed suit.

"'M I taking you home now princess?" He spoke with a small smile as if he hoped I'd deny that and certainly I'd oblige.

"No way, you said you don't care about sleeping for school anyways." I tossed my bag into the backseat and took a drink of my slushee before putting it in the cup holder. He chuckled and turned the keys in the ignition, filling the car with music.

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