Eleven: late day cuddles

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"Can I put on music?" He'd asked after quite a while and I giggled at the thought that he hadn't wanted to get up but probably wanted to put something on for a while.

"It's your room darling." He rolled his eyes as he climbed off and over me to get to his desk.

He didn't take long to click a tape into place, I once again didn't recognise the music when it sprang to life from his stereo and I was sure he knew it. He muttered that the band's name was Metallica as he made his way back to his previous position. My hands returned happily to his hair as I thought Evan listened to them though it was much more pleasant when it wasn't your annoying little brother blasting random shit at 3am.

I continued running my fingers through his hair with half lidded eyes as he smiled lazily into my chest. The music, soft in volume, was honestly nice albeit quite different from anything I'd listen to in my free time by choice but perhaps that'd have to change. After a while Eddie leaned over me to rummage through his night stand before he pulled out a joint and a lighter, placing it between his lips as he bounced back on the bed. Wasting no time in lighting the thing he took a few puffs before handing it to me and I accepted a nod and a smile.

The pungent taste of the smoke hit my throat in a way that had come to be tolerable though I disagreed with Carter that the burning was pleasant. Passing the toke back to Eddie he took a hit but this time he tilted his head to blow all the smoke in my face and I shoved his shoulder lightly with a laugh, swatting at the smoke with my other hand. He smiled brightly down at me before passing it back. We did this for a while, Eddie's antics never stopping but it was alright, and frankly adorable. When we got down to the roach he put it out in his ashtray before setting it to the side and tackling me to the bed from our shortly maintained sitting positions.

"Eddie!" I shouted with a giggle as he had me pinned to his mattress under his warm body. "Baby?"

"Hm?" Eddie cocked a brow up at me with a quickly raised head, I wondered momentarily at how he didn't give himself whiplash.

"What are you doing?" I'd asked it with a bright smile plastered to my delighted face.

"Just cuddling a cute girl." He smiled cheekily at me and once again I found myself wishing I was bold enough to just lean in and kiss him.

"Oh well, if that's all." I giggled with a hand stroking his cheek lightly as my eyes met his gently.

"You hoping for more princess?" The way he looked at me, and of course I could be reading too much into things but, gods he made me feel like he really saw me. It's like I was the only girl in the world and we weren't even dating, we hadn't even kissed. I couldn't stop thinking about it, his soft lips, the way they'd feel on mine, he'd probably taste of weed and cigarettes and well at the moment possibly a bit of our breakfast. I was so lost in thought I'd hardly noticed the way he was leaning down, his eyes fixated on my lips. I gasped as my eyes flew back and forth between his lips and eyes before stopping on his lips as my eyes fluttered closed and his face came ever closer to mine.

I could feel his warm breath on my face before his lips lightly brushed mine and I heard his fucking bedroom door being opened. My eyes popped open as Eddie threw himself off of me with eyes as wide as mine and face red as a strawberry, I was sure I matched.

"Hey I'm heading out for a while, I'll be back by dinner." He acted as if he couldn't tell by our demeanours that he'd interrupted something.

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