Sixteen: No, I've never been to France

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"What the hell is a Crêpe?" Eddie's face instantly twisted in confusion which caused me to giggle before I could explain.

"It's sort of like a pancake." I chuckled again. "But it's thinner and usually it has fruit or some sort of filling, generally you don't use maple syrup either but chocolate sauce and cool whip."

"So you're making me a dessert?" He opened his door and I realised we probably should go inside.

"Is a pancake or a waffle all that different, I like to add strawberries and cool whip to those too." I stepped out into the chill night air and immediately shivered.

"How fitting." He mused, sliding next to me with an arm around my waist, pulling me into the warm embrace of his leather jacket.

"You think so?" I smiled up at him as we began to shuffle awkwardly to the door before Eddie just swept me up and before I knew it he was holding me bridal style in his arms.

"Yea." My face flushed as he answered.

"I'm rather cute aren't I?" I said it more as a statement than a question and he laughed before agreeing.

"Definitely darling." His face was drawing ever closer to mine and I internally cursed him when he set me down on the welcome mat to my house.

"I told you to stop teasing me like that." I deadpanned with a glare.

"Sorry sweetheart." He chuckled. "You're just such a pretty thing when you blush."

"I-" I cut myself off before I really began as I was sure my face was flushed far darker than before, perhaps darker than he'd seen before, than ever.

Why on earth would he call me a pretty thing and why did it sound so lovely. I supposed I already knew the answer as his arms wrapped around me.

"Sorry doll, too much?" I wanted to swat him but instead I fumbled with my keys as he lowly chuckled at my non-response. "Guess you like that one too."

"You're a nuisance Eddie." I didn't look up at him as my hands still shook hopelessly with my keys.

"But so very pretty huh." He chuckled as I finally opened the door and he slid past me with a hand grabbing mine to pull me into my warm house.

"Did my pretty boy let the compliments go to his head?" I turned around with a bright smile as I saw his expression matched mine albeit much less red.

"You guys are disgusting." Evan droned from behind me and I turned to him with a middle finger pulling one of my bottom eyelids down and sticking my tongue out. He scoffed before turning on his heel to leave and I laughed which caused him to take his turn and shoot me the finger though, I didn't care.

I turned back to Eddie, grabbing his arm and pulling him to the kitchen. "So, you like bananas and strawberries yea?"

Eddie smiled as he replied that was fine and hopped up to sit on the counter behind the oven as I shuffled around grabbing ingredients. I'd have to make the batter and the filling which was admittedly a bit annoying. Though for not only the the satisfaction of getting to enjoy a delectable dish, but also to share said dish with this cute boy, I supposed it was rather worth it. As I actually began to mix the batter however, I supposed he got bored because, he came up behind me and once again snaked his arms around my waist, as if that's where they were meant to rest. I bit back remarking on his cuteness seeing as I did that rather often and just continued mixing, albeit now with a rather large grin poorly hidden on my ever flushed face.

"Thought you were making fancy pancakes darling." He lulled from over my shoulder and i wished to hold the silken feeling of his voice forever in my mind.

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