Twelve: didn't mean to scare you

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I had gotten Carter to drive me to Corroded Coffin's band practice under the  promise of bringing him home some more pot whenever Eddie dropped me off. Gareth and Jeff looked beyond surprised to see me walking up the driveway, though I didn't see Eddie anywhere.

"Hey, Gareth right?" I extended my hand to the boy with fluffy hair and he looked shocked I'd remember his name but that was quickly replaced by some cool demeanour I supposed.

"Yea that's me, why?" I supposed it was beyond normal to be suspicious of my presence at a band practice I'd never showed up to before and was only friends with one member.

"Ah well." I began to speak nervously and internally cursed my lack of composition. "Was just here to watch I suppose but m'wondering, where's Eddie?"

"You're here to watch?" The other guy, who's name I thought was Jeff seemed utterly surprised and in disbelief as he addressed me. "You?"

"And I thought Hellfire was the joke." Gareth's scoff ignited something in me.

"You know, isn't treating me like that exactly the thing I'm supposed to do that you hate?" I snapped at them as I really just wanted to see Eddie and make sure he wasn't upset with me.

"Was at your show, m'Corroded Coffin's biggest fan." I continued in disdain when they still didn't tell me where Eddie was.

"Yea.." Gareth trailed off, disbelief still on his face. "Eddie's just back through there." He pointed at a door in the back of his garage and I quickly moved to slip through it before anyone could stop me, muttering a resigned thanks as I passed the boys.

"Eds!" I let a wide smile hit my face as I sighed in relief upon seeing that lovely boy. He'd jumped when I shouted and I giggled as I spoke again. "Sorry rockstar, didn't mean to scare you."

"S'okay." He muttered without turning to me so I made my way around him and plopped down on the floor in front of him.

"What're you doing?" I looked down at the guitar he was holding that seemed to only have a few of its strings.

"Needed new strings." His disinterested response and lack of eye contact disheartened me but I wasn't ready to give up yet. "Didn't really think you'd come today."

"You should stop doubting me." I sent him a sweet smile as I tried to pull his lighthearted teasing back out. "M'not a liar."

Eddie's eye's lazily made their way to my face before going back to what he was doing with his guitar. I felt the need to continue explaining myself when his playful nature did not, in fact, come back. "Omit a lot of truths, but I'm not a liar."

"Listen Eds, I don't know what I did to upset you but I said I'd be here at your practices from now on and here I am." I tried to cut my rambling short but the tap was always loose. "Like I know you seem to think it's a joke or something but I'm totally interested in Corroded Coffin, sure I may not know many of the songs you guys perform but I want to learn and that's more of an excuse to steal your time anyways."

"Why?" His eyes were finally trained on mine but I couldn't say I liked it.

"W-why what?" I cursed myself for stuttering and his chuckle was all but bright. "Eddie I like you."

"Do you?" The smirk that accompanied his words wasn't familiar and I wanted to throw him out a window.

"You're being ridiculous Eddie." I stood up, offering him a hand seeing as his guitar had been successfully restringed. "You're going to miss band practice and a fun day with a cute girl if you keep acting like this."

"And what is it that's ridiculous exactly?" He declined my hand and stood up on his own.

I ignored the guitar between us and wrapped my arms around his neck, draping them there as I held his gaze on mine. "Damnit Eddie I don't know what I did but won't you just forgive me?"

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