Fourteen: would you shut up about Eddie?

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After getting him and my brother off to school, I hadn't bothered Eddie yesterday and the hideout didn't come until tonight. I found myself craving his time in a way I hoped wasn't too clingy for the progression of our relationship. I didn't want to actually take up all of Eddie's free time considering I wasn't sure he was actually alright with that. So here I was, at Everest's talking about him instead.

I threw my arms out with a dramatic and exasperated groan. "No you don't get it Everest he's just so cute."

"No I think I get it honey." She had a light chuckle and I knew I wasn't annoying her. "It's all you've been talking about for the past few hours, why don't you just go talk to him."

"Because all I do lately is hang out with Eddie." I rolled over and sat up so quickly she probably thought I'd get whiplash. "What if he finds me annoying?"

"I doubt he finds you annoying dear." I groaned when she said this and she just chuckled again. "I think he likes you."

"Well he's at school right now anyways." I let out a huff as I flopped back onto her bed once again. "I just want him to kiss me."

"Kiss him at the hideout tonight then." She mused down at me.

"No way! He'd totally be freaked by that Eve." I ran my hands through my hair. "How do I even impress a boy like Eddie Munson."

She laughed when I said this, as if my problems were genuinely funny. "Honey I don't think you have to."

"But he's so cool."

"Does he think so?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well." She paused for a moment, as if contemplating how best to state her next words. "I'm sure that to Eddie, you're way out of his league, I mean you did used to be head cheerleader."

"Does that really matter?" I frowned. "Eddie had brought that up too."

"See." In retrospect Eve was generally right but I still hesitated to be so bold with Eddie.

"Ugh so when is Steve coming over anyways?" I deflected and she chuckled, already on to me.

"Don't want to admit I'm right?" Yes.

"Just wanna know when the fun's gonna end." I shrugged with a dramatic tone. "Steve's the worst."

"He'll be here round three." She flopped down next to me.

"And the hideout is at six." I droned with a questioning look her way.

"Yea, I know honey." She smiled, I knew she really wanted him here and was excited to have him connect with her on her music taste again.

"Why's he here so early?" I frowned, not wanting to deal with Steve Harrington and the incessant totally not cute unlike Eddie's teasing that was our friendship.

"Why not?" She mused and I rolled my eyes with a scoff.

"Well it's nearly three now, ugh maybe I should call Eddie." I whined as I rolled onto my stomach.

"I'm sure he'd love to come hang out with us." She teased me with a look my way, but also she wasn't wrong, he probably would enjoy our company.

"Ugh." I sighed loudly again as I shoved her shoulder somewhat harshly and she laughed at me.

"He's your lover boy."

"He is not!" My head flew up dramatically to meet her amused eyes and I was so not having it, why did all my friends have to tease me? "Though I wish he was."

"I can call him for you if you want."

"No way."

"Your call love."

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