Eight: To the left of the King

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"Well boys, told you we had a Princess of Hellfire." He slid in front of me and snapped a picture with my camera that I, surprisingly, had only just realised he was still holding.

"Hey, give that back!" I shouted, snatching it from him and quickly catching a photo of his smiling face. Though I knew it would be blurry I was sure it'd be cute as it dropped from the camera and I caught it quickly in my palm, to store in my jacket pocket with my other one. "Next week I'll wear my tiara."

"Can we please play now." Dustin begged with eyes that screamed he wanted nothing more than to obliterate us.

"Be nice to your new princess Henderson." Eddie's eyes lit up with sadistic amusement at the boy's dismay.

"You've got to be kidding me." Dustin whined with his head dropping to the table in a dramatic display.

"Alright boys." Eddie began to speak as he slowly circled the table to his throne and waved his hand to signal the chair on his left be cleared for me. The boy got up disdainfully with an eye roll and hesitant glare my way.

"Oh my god." Dustin whined as we finally settled in and he actually looked up at us. Lucas and Mike eyed him in confusion as he rolled his eyes. "Eddie's smooth."

It was now my turn to stare at the curly haired boy in utter confusion. "What d'you mean Dustin?"

"You're to the left of the king." His eyes rolled. "Where the Queen normally sits, god I hate this."

"Wow that is smooth." Lucas muttered as the other boys began to chatter amongst themselves and I averted my gaze towards the table with a flushed face.

"Shut up!" As soon as Eddie shouted everyone in the room instantly quieted and had their eyes on him, including me. "Now, you stand in the dimly lit cave, torches rapidly fizzling out."

Eddie began to spin a dark and sadistic path for us to follow, or not to, as I had learned last time you very much could defy the DM though it was strongly discouraged. I still felt dumb, mostly fumbling around and having to have the dice I was meant to roll told to me most of the time, but just was before it was fun and I got to act.

When we were done I found myself strongly wishing we weren't and I could tell Dustin felt the same as he begrudgingly made his way over to us. I had moved to be sitting on the table, legs one crossed over the other as Eddie slowly packed up his stuff and chatted with other members.

"Do you really have to be the princess?" Dustin looked up at me with almost hopeful eyes as if he wanted me to tell Eddie suddenly I wasn't interested in Hellfire.

"You're the one who started this Dusty." I lulled with a sly smirk.

"I know!" He whined in exasperation with arms thrown up. "And I'm wishing I didn't!"

"Nothin' I can do." I shrugged with a quick glance over at Eddie. "Everest could'a told you I thought he was cute."

"Yea well she didn't." He deadpanned. "And since when does intimidation equal attraction?"

"They're not mutually exclusive." I smiled with another glance at Eddie before meeting Dustin's eyes again. "They can co-exist, and I'm not intimidated by him anymore."

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