What's Yours Are Mine, Too 💛

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Ethan's PoV

I love being with Lizzie. Despite our reputations and busy lives as young adults, it works. I couldn't ask for a better girl in my life.

Just like any other youth relationships, it happened to us, too. And what do I think of it? Well, take a guess.

Take this situation for an example. I think this happened a couple weeks ago.


I was looking for my casual cap. I don't go outside without wearing it.

"Baby? I can't find my cap. You know, the white one I always use?" I yelled from upstairs. Lizzie and I don't live together. Yet. But we sleepover at each other's houses every now and then.

"Have you checked on the hangers?" she yelled back. "Yes, and it isn't there."

I heard footsteps dashing up the stairs. Then she came into view. "They're in the other drawer," she casually said while I rummage through my luggage, checking if I misplaced it there. I look up to her and there she is, standing wearing a- wait.


"What?" She casually looked at me, as if she did nothing wrong.

"Is that my hoodie?"

"Oh, you mean my hoodie?" she said pointing at it.

"No, it's my hoodie. That is my favorite hoodie." I said narrowing my eyes.

"Oh really now? Sorry babe, but what's yours are mine, too." she said sarcastically.

"Since when is that ever a rule?"

"It applied when you asked me to be your girlfriend." She grins at me. It's annoying but cute.

"Oh, I see."

"You finally came into your senses. Good."

She starts to return downstairs, but stopped at the doorway, then sniffs at my hoodie. She makes sure that I can see what she's doing.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"The reason I wanted this is because it smells just like you." She winks at me.

"You're awfully cute."

"I know."

"Well just so you know," I held her favorite oversized sweater, waving it at her. "This is my favorite sweater, too." I smirked.


"Sorry, what's yours is mine, too."

Just Your Normal Girl || E. Olsen x Male!Reader Imagines¹Where stories live. Discover now