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Peter woke up with a rather very confused expression. One second he was turning to dust the next he was back where he disappeared with the 'space people' and Dr. Wizard with him telling him to get ready to fight.

That all lasted only until he reached the Battelfield, fighting, dogding, webbing up alien dogs and killing 'em.
After a little re-union with Mr. Stark and getting the hold of the gunlet. Peter ran like hell, depending on karen to use her immediate tactics and calculations to save his little butt.

That also until Thanos threw him away and grabbed the gunlet and Peter saw an alien dog accidently kill another one. "tHi-ThIs is So sAD, kAreN PLaY deSPacItO" Peter wheezed out obviously in pain, but stood up after the song started blaring out of his suit and slowly started doing weird steps to the song nonetheless.

Shuri, Groot and Wanda immediately joined him leaving the rest of uncultured swins to stare at them.

Peter danced while singing along, moving his little butt left and right on beat with 'Bam Bam' and slowly started walking towards the mad Titan. By now everyone and everything around them has stopped, watching confusedly.

Thanos stared at the little baby faced dancing child infront of him. "Mr. Thanos mad-titan-purple-grape-bitch
nutsack-of-a-chin-sir, can you please repeat after me?"

Tony proudly nodded at the name but worry was still evident in his face while Thanos just absentmindedly nodded. "Great now say 'i wish to be turned into crocs along with the rest of my alien dogs'"

Thanos did as told and Peter nodded "now snap your fingers." Thanos snapped and all the alien dogs turned and Thanos turned into crocs.

Shuri and Wanda screamed almost in unison "WhAT ArE THosE?"

"They are my crocs!" Peter smirked and continued dancing.

Captain america passed out, Bucky found these crocs things cool so joined the 'Great vine queen', 'meme lord', 'iamGroot' and 'icanmovethingswithmymind!' people. Clint and Loki followed Bucky, Loki Who appeared out of thin air, ignored Thor's cries of joy.
Dr. Strange just said 'i knew it' but his face gave it away. And everyone lived happily ever after with a big hole in compound filled with crocs with a sign board that said 'They are my crocs and iTs deSPacItO bEtCH' named by none other than the greatest vine squad.

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