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Me:*takes quiz* *result* Huh. *result below*

Quotev ▼

Shy & Smart~

❝demons run when a good man goes to war.❞

Faction: Aptitude for Amity or Erudite

House: Ravenclaw

Friends: The Doctor, Clara, John, Sam, Dean, Merlin, Guinevere, Simon, Alec, Uriah, Steve, Tony, Bruce, Natasha, Coulson, Skye, Fitz, Simmons, Alphonse, Hawkeye, Red, Silver, Steven, Ash, Brock, Cilan, Dawn, N, Jack, Tooth, Peeta, Finnick, Hermione, Luna, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Marco, Tamaki, Haruhi, Hikaru, Kaoru, Honey, England, Italy, L, Near, Ciel, Grell, Haru, Mako, Nagisa, Rei, Kirito, Asuna, Maka, Soul, Tsubaki, Kid, Liz, Patti, Crona, Pietro & Storm.

Enemies (Or just people who don't like you) : Amy, Moriarty, Morgana, Clary, Tris, Loki, Ward, Green, Pitch, Gale, & Russia

Love Interest(s): John, Sam, Simon, Uriah, Bruce, Fitz, Red, Silver, Armin, Jean, Tamaki, England, Rei, Crona, Clara, Guinevere, Simmons, Asuna, Liz, Patti, & Pietro.

Personality: You are very kind and generous most of the time, but you aren't a pushover! Most people think you're quiet, but when you're with your friends, that's when your true colors show. You also love studies and learning in general. Surprisingly, you are great at fighting when needed, but it's only a last resort.


The Doctor: I love 'em to death! They always can help me get out of a jam!

Rose Tyler: Their very quiet..

Donna Noble: I guess their okay, though they don't talk a lot.

Amy Pond: It's a good thing they're smart.

Clara Oswin Oswald: Oh they're the cutest thing alive! I love it when they start blushing~


Sherlock: They're smart but not as smart as me.

John Watson: I think they're cute. Uhm yeah.

Moriarty: Booooring~

Mary Morstan: That one doesn't talk much now do they?


Dean: What a nerd, no wonder Sammy likes 'em, isn't that right Sammy? ;)

Sam: Shut up Dean. *blushes*

Castiel: A truly good person.


Arthur: I don't really know them..

Merlin: They're a great friend, at least they're not a prat like Arthur.

Morgana: I don't care about them!

Guinevere: Oh they're very sweet!

The Mortal Instruments:

Clary: Um.. they're really quiet..

Jace: I don't mind 'em.

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