On the Sixth day of Reader x Author gave to me!

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Hey guys! •^• I'm doing yesterdays. Then today's. I make no sense. Its like this since I went on a sleepover. •√•. So here is a Reader x 2P Author. As a boy. •^• I'll see how this goes. I'll post a picture on devinanart and leave the link of the Boy Author.


Y/N really liked Author. He also had a Wattpad called EveryoneLovesCanada. You had one called f/c Rainbows.

"Y/N."Author asked.


Author sucked in a deep breath and said "Am I weird?"

Y/N smiled. "Sometimes, but its funny."

Author giggled.

"Want to sing?"

Y/N laughed. "Of course! But can we sing the TOS Rap?"

Author looked confused. "What's that?"

Y/N stood up and began "I'll sing it for you!
Gather round
Settle down for a story will unveil.

Making up random words since I forgot this bit."

Author has a straight face. "Cool. My sis is obsessed with TOS. It gets annoying."

Y/N poutted. "Let's just watch To Much fun!"

Author ran."All ready ahead of you!"

Y/N screamed. "Hey no fair!"


Me:I'm a girl again! *duck noises*

Canada: explosion*


Me:I have finished the picture! It's here-

Italy:Author has finished it but she says-



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