On the First day of Reader x Author gave to me!

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IM EXCITEE BECAUSENIM GETTING PJ! I REALLY WANTED IT SO YAY! I decided to do a Reader x a character for ever day to Christmas from now. That's 10 days. . . So to start of I have Reader x Sam (Gone)!
The song so far!
On the First day of Reader x Author gave to me!
A Reader x Sam!

Reader x Sam -

Y/N was upset. Of course everyone in the FAYZ was sad and upset but Y/N had a good reason. She really liked Sam but he was now interested in Astrid, a girl far above his own age. But he never noticed you. He and Astrid were walking so you decided to jump attack him. You succeed. "What on earth, Y/N!" Sam said. "Could I maybe talk to you?" You whisper

Sam nods and you sneak away.

"What did you want to say Y/N?" Sam questions.

"I just-" You were cut of by noticing a car with a boy in CA uniform. You motion for him to come and he follows.

The boy is saying "So would you all suggest some lovely people to stand up for you?"

Orc and Howard are already chosen so you say, "Sam Temple here went into a burning building for a small girl. He can at least be a spokesperson." Loads of the PB people agree.

Sam and him shake hands by you see in the boys eye that he looks angry.

Then unexpectedly a girl in the crowd says, "Y/N saved the department store, the daycare and the school! She has to be on!"

You shrink back as more people join in.

"She's perfect!"

"She saved those kids lives!"

"Shes cute!"

The boy starts again " So exactly where is this lovely young girl?"

By the looks of the crowd no one knows until someone shouts

"She's here!"

Of course they are nowhere near you.

"No she's over here!"

"You're lying!"

You feel the tension so you shout "I'd like to give you all a little lesson!"

Heads swivel towards you but you carry on. "No one needs a leader, a King, or a  President. But we may run out of food or water. We need a doctor. We need someone to allocate food. Same with water. But we won't get anywhere by have in a new enemy or hero. So unless you CA people want a piece of Y/N GO AWAY!"

The boy looks shocked.

"Very well.Don't mess with Caine Soren."

Then 'Caine' smoothed his hair back.  You knowing this jumped into the air and floated. You had the power to use any power that any one from any country had. The countries gave it to you fornuse in battle. You used it of a girl named Lyra from Switzerland. He aimed but you came to the ground and teleported back to Sam using a boy called Dan's power. Caine whispered "Multi powers." But you were getting nowhere. You gave the signal to Sam and you dashed of.

Then Sam said "Y/N I like you. It used to be Astrid but know its you."

Then he kissed you. Feeling flirty you kissed him back.

Me:This I had fun making!



Hungary:Well she can't take from my country anymore!

Me:Well it's me so....

*Teleports to all your houses*

Happy 15th of December!

Your mom:Get out of our house!

You:Reading this* Mom I can't get out! OMG IT THE AUTHOR!!!!

Me:Hi! Bye! *Teleports back to my house*

My mom:What were you doing Lily?

Me:Its Wattpad.com!

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