Let's train

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Over the next month or so, Romeo's attitude didn't improve much. He stopped snapping at me but he was still just as distant. He was reluctant to do anything I said, and always attempted to reason with me. He wanted to leave, I wanted to stay. At least for another week. My head was much better now, not exactly mint condition but getting there.

I had been rather lazy these past few weeks. But then again who could blame me? A man tried to dig into my brain. But I was almost fully recovered now, it was time to start training again. And to do that, I needed my supplies. At my apartment. In the city.

"Romeo, get ready. We're going somewhere." I looked back at him and attempted to smile. "Ready to see the real world?"


The walk was torture. I had been sitting around for weeks and the sudden exercise was killing my legs. I couldn't stand this feeling. Weak, desperate... It was horrible! A I had forgotten how far the shack was from my apartment. I believe it took about 22 hours, but that was including resting breaks. I shouldn't complain, it could have taken days but I was in so much pain it felt like years.

Romeo was holding up though not very well. The boy looked fit but his stamina was far from any athlete's. His breathing was far more labored than mine, and he stayed behind me by a few yards. I actually started to worry. However he didn't complain which I was grateful for. Truthfully I believe he was too focused on proving his capabilities to notice how tired his body had become. A good quality, but horrible habit. Confusing isn't it?

Well either way we made it to my apartment. There was a note on the door explaining how my recent absence had been noticed. I was fired from the factory, but the apartment was still mine. Though, the rent was due and I had a lot to pay. I'd deal with it later. There were much more important matters to attend.

Unlocking the door I let Romeo in, surprised at the current state of my home. Nothing had changed. I'm still not quite sure what I expected. For it to be empty? Destroyed? I really don't know but not clean and as I had left it. My coat was still on the couch and my shoes were still by the door. I was actually slightly moved by the familiar surroundings. Romeo sat himself on the couch while I paced around the room. I was trying to plan ahead. I thought training would be a good option, seeing as Romeo had the endurance of a sleeping turtle.

"We have to prepare." I stated in a firmer tone than I normally would. I didn't want to boss him around but he needed to listen to me. "Training would be the best option but it's amazing that we made it out of the woods without confrontation, we can't risk staying out any longer than necessary. My apartment is small but it'll do."

I started rearranging furniture, after Romeo got off the couch of course, to see how much space we had to work with. It was a decent amount, enough to teach him hand to hand combat, but training with weapons may have to wait.

"So how do we do this?" His tone was much friendlier now. I suppose he was happy to be out of the shack and actually doing something. I know I was.

"Face me... Now put your hand here... Now if I do this then..."

And so we went on for another two hours or so. They actually went by faster than I had expected, and I soon realized that Romeo was a fast learner. He wasn't quite as graceful as I would have liked him to be, but he would learn eventually. I taught him only how to block himself, attacking would come later, once his balance improved. I don't need him hurting himself while trying to hurt someone else.

My respect for him grew that day. Not once did the boy complain. He asked for a break once and I too had been tired and in need of one. Not to mention he was a natural fighter. Perhaps this wouldn't be as difficult as I had planned it to be.

But there was much to do. After our fighting session Romeo went to rest and I went into my room. I dug out my equipment and sorted through them. Many of which I had doubles of, I would teach Romeo how to use them later.

I wanted so desperately to plug them in. To listen to the chaos I knew the facility must be in. But I refrained. All in good time I thought. And with that I grabbed two blankets and went back into the living room. Placing one cover over Romeo, I watched him snuggle deeper into the cushions. I settled down on the sofa across from him and attempted to sleep. The normalcy of the situation bringing me comfort. I allowed my mind to wander, hopefully to a place where this battle was over and we have won.

I wish.

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