A Mother's Love

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Have you ever had a dream, one that you dreamt over and over again? A scenario that you had concocted over time? Obsessively working out every little detail of that moment to the point of perfection?

I had imagined this day for over a decade. The smiles, the tears, the hugs and the memories that would come when I finally saw my parents again. Mom would scream with joy, Dad would cry from happiness. Mom would cover her mouth to muffle the sound and Dad would stand taller in an effort to conceal his emotions. I would reach out and embrace them, a family finally whole again.

That is not what happened.

Romeo stood, silent, waiting to see what my mother's next move would be. He didn't hug her back, he simply stood. As if unsure of what the proper response would be. And to be completely honest I wasn't sure myself. My father stood as if about to faint. Mother continued to sob uncontrollably. Again, Romeo simply stood.

I was in back of him, extremely uncomfortable. My reaction caught somewhere between tears and a scream. I withdrew slowly, so slowly. As if I was hoping they would realize my presence and hug me too. Hoping they would notice that their daughter, missing for several years, had finally returned home. Hoping they would love me.

"My baby, my sweet angel, come inside. Please come, there is so much to catch up on. Oh, how we have missed you!" The woman whom I am now reluctant to call Mom mumbled to Romeo through her hysterics. It was then that she looked up and took notice to the tense girl in front of her. Me. "Well, look at that. You're here too... let's go inside, shall we?" I suppose I should have been grateful for her acknowledgement, however, I was too concerned with the fact that Romeo seemed to be the guest of honor. And why is he?

We all stepped inside, my father still not saying a single word, and took a seat in the main area. It was full of suede furniture and small tables of mahogany stained wood. Romeo took a seat next to me and Mother sat directly across from us, my father followed her.  I sat extremely still, sure that all of this would vanish if I made the wrong move. Like a dream. Because it had to be a dream if they for some reason know and care for Romeo  but not me.

Romeo seemed tense too, his leg shook as a calming mechanism and he took my hand in his, but it was for his comfort, not mine. His eyes darted around the room, searching. For what? Perhaps he was looking for answers like I was. He stared at the picture on a shelving unit for a moment, quickly he glanced away. I couldn't see it over his head, not clearly. I wondered what it was that caught his attention.

It was my mother whom spoke first.

"I suppose you have questions." She stated quite monotonously. We didn't answer, for how does one answer? A list of questions, a string of them, not pausing until all are said? Or one at a time accepting the risk of forgetting the questions themselves. "Well," she continued, "Shall I tell you then? Where do I begin..." Her voice drifted off as her mind dove back into the depths of memories, buried for years to avoid resurfacing. "I first met Donovan on the streets of a small town not too far from here. I was pregnant with a baby boy, very pregnant might I add. Donovan charmed me, intrigued me, he was a rather dashing man, one could tell that he was wealthy from his attire but there was a loose sort of free tone to his voice.

He talked me into having a drink with him, I had water as again, I was pregnant, and so did he after realizing his mistake. We talked, nothing romantic. Simply conversed as if we had known each other for years rather than hours. He told me he had big plans for the future, he was a scientist you see. He had a passion for the world, what, when and why. This all intrigued him to no end. He told me he'd call for another meeting. He left shortly after the bill and I was expecting to hear from my new friend again the next morning.

But the next morning came and not onc did my phone ring. Your father here watched day in and day out as I waited to hear from my new friend whom I do want to stress was just a friend. A week goes by and I lost hope. Two, three, a month. Two, three, a year. My baby boy was born. He was gorgeous and full of joy. He grew up, and became a big brother to a little sister. They were inseparable.  The twins, we called them, even with a two year age difference. They were exactly alike.

A few years pass, the girl now three and the boy now five. I get a call from an unsaved number, upon answering I discover its my old friend Donovan. He tells me of his plan to genetically engineer people to be superior. To be extraordinary creatures. I'll spare the details as it went on and on, but he said he needed volunteers. I said I'd spread the word but he said it had to be kept a secret. And also that the volunteers would need to be children.

At first I was insulted, disgusted, he wanted to hurt kids. But I was assured that they would be taken care of. That's when I knew what I had to do. I called up Donovan the next day and offered my son. I wanted him to be superior. To be seen s extraordinary. Donovan came the day after to take him, I was told his memory would be wiped. He would forget me, until forced to remember again. And that once the process was done, I'd see him again.

Years went by, I lost hope. A decade passes and I forget. But now you're here Romeo. You're home and you can be my son once again. You can show me your powers and we can be whole!"

She spoke with such joy, such love. I was jealous. Was this not my mother? Had I been mistaken all along? Why didn't she mention me and why didn't she give me a hug at the door? Romeo was shaking, turning red. He looked so confused, so upset, so angry and hurt. It was like a switch flickered in his head. He looked at this woman and understood. 

"Mom..." he whispered.

I squeezed his hand, he was already squeezing mine. But still I was so lost and confused. He must have read my mind because he spoke before I could.

"What happened to your daughter? What happened to Aura?"

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