Just a dream

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Some people have dreams, some have nightmares, and some just sleep in an inky darkness. I did all three.

It started out black. Nothing and no one to bother me. It was quiet, though that may be obvious. Just a relaxing sort of nothingness. Then I was falling.

Not literally of course but I felt myself falling into the blackness. It was like a never ending trust fall and there was no one to catch me at the bottom. If there even was a bottom to begin with.

Then someone caught me, I couldn't really see who though. I could just barely make out a mouth, they were smiling. But that's the only feature I could clearly see. Everything else was staticky. I'd see the outline of their hair and then it would flicker until it faded away. And this continued with all of their facial details until I was just too frustrated to look.

It (for lack of better terms) carried me down the hall. Or I assume it was a hall. The blackness had yet to go away. It's arms around me brought some kind of feeling of comfort as we walked. Then there was a light, just a speck. Then it grew bigger as we drew closer. It was so bright I had to look away, hiding my face in it's chest. It's a he, because his chest smells like cologne.

He walked us into the light, and it surrounded us. Then it faded, and a picture formed. Mom.

Mom sat on a floor with a man. In her arms was a baby. Me? Same blue eyes as me. The baby cried and that made me smile. Not because it was upset but because mom started comforting it, started comforting me. She cared.

Then it changed. There were two babies. Both with blue eyes. Then it got darker and the man, dad I suppose, took one away. He tossed mom some money and left. I cried, yelled... Dad kept walking. The baby squirmed out of his arms and he just readjusted it.

Mom cried, I cried, and so did the baby. But slowly mom disappeared. She got farther and farther away until there was nothing left but darkness so did the baby. Then it was just me and the mystery man holding me.

He held me tighter, I saw his smile flash, and I thought I heard "protect... forever...." But everything in between was in audible, like two phone with a bad connection.

Everything felt so real. So painful.


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