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Aura's POV

I was cold. So cold. The walls seemed to be closing in on me. My body shook, and I couldn't stop whimpering. I felt so weak- I looked pathetic. A Coatman walked past me and did a double take. He looked scared, it's not everyday you see me so vulnerable. He called for another man. Romeo's dad.

I had met him once before, and you all know him well. He's the man who interrogated me the first day I was brought back.

"Well well well, what do we have here." I remained silent. "Finally broke huh? How sad. You used to be great. So careful and strong. Now look at you. Hopeless and as good as dead." He kicked my ribs and I groaned. He laughed. "Pathetic. Absolutely humiliating! The Scarlet Knife is a leader! A warrior! You are a sad excuse for a human being." He kept laughing and laughing and laughing. I tried to move, I couldn't. It hurt too much.

"I think it's time for the experiment. You're no use dead. We might even kill two birds with one stone. Literally!"

With that he left, slamming the cell door behind him. He didn't even bother to lock it. There was no need. Romeo came in moments later.

"It's time sweetheart. Say good bye to the world of the living. Your brain is going to help us mutate kids all over the world. You should be honored." What happened to the boy who wanted to escape with me...?

He dragged my near lifeless body out of the room, the door hitting my ankle, me crying in pain. I felt useless. I was useless.

He opened another door and threw me into the white room. I looked around. Monitors, wires, exactly as I had remembered. Isn't it thoughtful of them to put me In the same room I almost died in when I was 7. Romeo pulled me up onto a table. He was strong. My wrists and legs were bound to the cold, cold surface. The metal a familiar feeling that I didn't appreciate. But I didn't resist. I couldn't. I wanted to cry, but I wouldn't.

I was stabbed and poked with needles and IVs. Hooked up to monitors and machines. I just stayed still. I heard someone enter, I saw Romeo sit in the corner. I thought I saw regret in his eyes. It was gone as quickly as it came. I heard the clinking of metal next to me. I saw someone raise a small knife above me. This was it.

"This is going to hurt." The man said. I didn't respond.

The cool metal dragged across my forehead, a line of fire following it's path. My breath caught in my throat, my eyes filled with tears. I still didn't move. The man did it again, and again. The pain getting worse and worse. It became unbearable. My body shook on it's own, I let out a strangled scream. They had gagged me. When did that happen?

I felt faint. My heart pounded in my ears, it was working hard to try and replace all the blood I was losing. The scarlet substance running thick and freely down my face. I could taste copper on my tongue. Romeo... Help me....

"Almost there" The voice said again, but it wasn't nearly as clear as before. It sounded distant. Faint.

Blackness started to creep into my line of vision. Slowly, like a spider spinning it's web. Beautiful, but dangerous. I knew that giving into the darkness meant peace, sleep, rest. I also knew it meant that I lost. I failed. Humanity will be gone as soon as I am.

Kids will never know sunlight, or truth. The government will take control. The experiments will continue. Becoming more and more dangerous with each try. I wanted it to end. I really did. But not like this.

Never like this.

I wanted to say I died fighting, not laying down. That I was strong, and that I resisted, not that I gave into the pressure and pain.

But that's what happened. I was too weak.

So I died laying down. I gave in to the pressure and pain. I was weak, pathetic, a disgrace.

The Scarlet Knife

I'm Sorry.

I am so sorry...

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