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Another Coatman took me from the room and back to my cell. He dragged me down the hall and threw me into the glass enclosure, locking me in. I just sat there, staring at him. He smiled back and I had to look away.

The door slid open and another man entered, or maybe I should say boy. He looked no older than 21 and had an easy going smile on his face. Too bad he had on a white jacket.

His eyes were a deep blue and looked strangely familiar. His hair was just a dark brown with unnatural highlights. He just stood there, staring at me. Slowly he smiled and took a seat opposite of me.

"Hello Aura." His voice held power and pride. Two things I despised in coatmen.

"Hi..." I answered hesitantly. What was he doing here...? Did he just want to make friends? Because that wasn't an option.

"It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you. The one that got away. Well I guess you're now the one that just got a break, seeing as you're back." Was that supposed to be a joke? It wasn't funny... "Well my name is Romeo, and you should probably get used to this pretty face. You'll be seeing a lot of it."

"What do you mean?" Was he always this self centered?

"Well, I am in charge of you." He winked and laughed but I couldn't see why. He was just confusing me. "With your age and history, no one here thinks it's safe to leave you alone. So it's my job to make sure you behave."

"This is ridiculous, how old are you?"

"I'm 19." I sighed and ran my fingers through my matted hair. I am 17, I don't need a babysitter. Especially not one that's only 2 years older than me. I just stayed silent, having nothing to say in response.

"So... Aura, or do you prefer Scarlet?" He attempted to ask but I simply looked away. "Okay... well anyways, why don't you tell me about yourself?"

"Why do you care?" I laughed, was he really trying to be nice?

"Because, I'm curious. Seventeen years young and you've killed so many people. You're trapped in this facility and you show no signs of emotion besides rage and anger. So tell me, what's a pretty girl like you doing with so much blood on your hands?"

"Protecting innocent people. You take lives without regret too, but you take the lives of children. You torture them and don't care at all. Aren't you tired of hearing them cry, don't you get headaches from all the screaming? I may have blood on my hands, but it's for the right reasons." Did I really need to explain that? Wasn't it obvious enough? How could he be so oblivious to something so simple?

But he didn't even acknowledge my response. He simply got up and walked away without another word.
Romeo's POV

When Jacob called me down from the lab to watch over Aura, I'll admit... I was scared. This girl was younger and smaller than me, yet she could probably take me out with one punch. If that's not intimidating then I don't know what is.

I walked seemingly confident towards her cell, hoping that would hide my nerves. I exchanged a few words with Jacob, then entered the cell. I was speechless.

There had to have been some kind of mistake. This woman looked so delicate, so fragile. There's no way she could hurt anyone. She was a beauty and it doubted she could kill. But then again, the papers in my hand said otherwise.

I gave her a smile and started to talk.

"Hello Aura." I said it as confidently as I could manage.

"Hi..." She responded after staying silent for a while. I took the time to look over her, her soft looking hair, her shimmery eyes. Scarlet Knife? No way.

"It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you. The one that got away. Well I guess you're now the one that just got a break, seeing as you're back." I made myself sound colder, she was the enemy and I had to remember that. So when she looked away, I tried my best to laugh. "Well my name is Romeo, and you should probably get used to this pretty face. You'll be seeing a lot of it."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I am in charge of you." I gave her a wink. I just wanted to lighten the mood but it seemed to just aggravate her. "With your age and history, no one here thinks it's safe to leave you alone. So it's my job to make sure you behave."

"This is ridiculous, how old are you?"

"I'm 19." Aura huffed and I watched mesmerized as she ran her fingers through her hair. I just looked at the papers. Not actually reading them of course, I just needed a distraction. I hated how vulnerable she looked.

"So... Aura, or do you prefer Scarlet?" I finally said after many minutes had passed. She remained silent so I went on. "Okay... well anyways, why don't you tell me about yourself?"

"Why do you care?" She laughed and I couldn't help but feel a little hurt.

"Because, I'm curious. Seventeen years young and you've killed so many people. You're trapped in this facility and you show no signs of emotion besides rage and anger. So tell me, what's a pretty girl like you doing with so much blood on your hands?"

"Protecting innocent people. You take lives without regret too, but you take the lives of children. You torture them and don't care at all. Aren't you tired of hearing them cry, don't you get headaches from all the screaming? I may have blood on my hands, but it's for the right reasons." I was shocked to say the least. She had said the words with so much anger and passion, and I began to realize it was almost true. Almost. I helped people too... Right?

I stood up slowly and left the cell, walked down the hall, and didn't even dare to glance back.

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