Deja vu

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It was past midnight by the time I left my home. The sky was dark and thick smoke from nearby factories filled the air. The night smelled of gasses and burning metal. Believe it or not, this was normal. Once again I say how sad it is that this is what our world has become.

I walked down the street, my mask was cold against my face. The wind picked up and blew my thick dirty blonde hair off my shoulders. It was a cool night, my leather jacket was slightly rigid from the temperature and I felt shivers run through me. I had another target today. A woman this time named Leah. She had taken the lives of two children and has injured five. I didn't often find myself hunting down females, but it did happen. It's not only men who are heartless.

Now you may think, well Aura? You seem pretty heartless. Which is true, but it depends on the situation. I have no tolerance or mercy for those who have had victims. But I care for no one more than those who have had predators. And those who have had neither, I'm envious.

I saw the brunette walking across the street, in the opposite direction. I turned around and walked the same way. Her heels clicked on the pavement. My combat boots made not one sound. She looked up from her handful of papers and turned her head towards me. Not looking at me, but almost as if cracking her neck. That angled tilt of her head. She smiled, or should I say smirked? It was an ugly sight. It was evil and sinister. As if she knew something I didn't. That should have been enough warning.

Leah reached up and covered her mouth as she yawned. But in her hand, I caught a glimpse of metal. Her mouth opened again, as did her hand. This time I caught a better look. It was radio...

I ran the other way, trying to be light on me feet. I looked back at the woman, she was staring at me. That same smirk plastered on her flawless face. My heartbeat quickened as I stared back at her, a second later I crashed into a factory wall. Well, at least I wish I had.

I looked up to see a grinning face. His was of victory and vengeance. I wanted to slap him. I tried, but I found my hands restrained by his much larger ones. He jerked me around, my back to his chest. I saw Leah walking towards me. Heard her heels clicking, it got louder and louder the closer she got.

"Hello, Scarlet..." She purred. Her eyes glistening with laughter. I said nothing.

"It's so nice to finally meet you." She paused, waiting for my response. Again I said nothing.

"Well," she continued. "Maybe you would prefer I call you Aura instead then?" My head snapped up. "I see that gained your attention. Aura how we have missed you! How could you leave us all alone for so long?" Leah's voice was a sickeningly sweet tone. She sounded like she was scolding a five year old.

"What do you want?" I didn't even recognize my own voice. It was so cold. I cringed a little.

"Sweetie, you know that answer. What do we want? We want you!"

"How did you find me?" I again looked away from her, suddenly finding her even more repulsive than before. If that was possible.

"Oh you know, you should really be more careful. Remember Grayson? What a sweetheart he was. I was so upset when I found his lifeless body out in a ditch not too far from the facility. His car turned upside down with slash marks covering it. Around his neck hung the infamous silver chain with a vile of scarlet red flower petals attached to it. But do you know what else I found? A blonde hair stuck on the chain. I brought it back to the facility, ran a few tests. And wouldn't you believe the shock I felt when the match came back as Ms. Aura Blackwood." I pulled and pulled but the guy wouldn't let go. If anything his grip tightened, the friction burning my wrists.

"So, Aura, darling, I need you to do me a favor." She nodded to the guy who pulled a damp cloth from out of his jacket. Then he held it to my nose. "Take a deep breath for me." She sounded so innocent. So fake. I held my breath for as long as I could. A minute passed and my head started to spin. I saw spots. One breath couldn't hurt right? I inhaled deeply, gasping for the polluted air. But all I smelt was chemicals. It burned my nose and throat. But soon, I didn't feel the pain. All I felt was a numbing coldness. All I heard was silence and my slowing heartbeat. And all I saw was black.


I was cold, sore, and for the first time in years. Scared. The floor felt like ice beneath me and it wreaked of bleach and blood. My head pounded and I could just faintly hear voices in the background. My eyes fluttered open. It was so bright! After a few seconds, my eyes adjusted. I took it all in.

I was in a glass cage. There were kids next to me, most of them younger. One or two around the same age as me. They all were covered in blood. Many had open wounds. A few were crying. My mask was thrown in the corner of the cell. The once bold scarlet was now a dull, dirty red. I looked up and nearly fainted. I saw something I had hoped to never, EVER see again.



The Scarlet KnifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz